Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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A Professed Witch

by Lanaia Lee

I always thought things were strange in the big house
But never did I suspect what I found out
Never in my childhood was I ever bothered not even by a mouse
I always wondered what this was about.

Good health, great life, everything I always wanted
How can this be never ever sick
But little did I know my grandmother's soul was tainted
The air in our house always seemed hauntingly thick.

From regular playing cards she could tell my future
Once in a while I'd hear her wickedly talking
She always had money set aside for her
And sometimes in the dead of night I'd see her walking.

How can all this luck be? She would let out a horrid laugh
She would say "Don't you know who has been so good to us?"
"I'm a witch, a black witch" she would hysterically laugh
Everything I do is a must.

I know with all my heart in this I believe
I saw it happen. I saw the results
I was so glad when I was old enough to leave
Serving Satan guess she did that evil, dark, blood thirsty brute.

© 2003, 2007 Lanaia Lee

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