Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
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Issue 78 Volume 08 February 2004


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

Indrapramit Das
His life in Calcutta destroyed forever, Alexander turns to the past before starting a new life. To the hills of Scotland, an antique sword, an amateur Satanic cult and forgotten feelings. (Note: This novella is a continuation of 'Demon Son.')

C. Francis Higgins
"Three friends find the spirits of the Old South rest fitfully in the deepest recesses of the Bayou…"

Life in the Fast Lane
Mike Morris
I was one of a long line of middle-class academic achievers, which marked me as a troublemaker right away. These days, America was an efficiently run insane asylum. It was just a question of everything getting bigger and better and faster, something that the USA was superbly suited for. Scams, sleaze and squalor led the way. After the spectacular political rise of a well-known TV celebrity and his cabinet of talk show hosts, things started to go downhill rapidly.

Strange Deaths to Follow
Part 1 (of 5)

Neil McGill
A strange tale where a fortean detective meets the minority report meets the world of Pratchett meets Tarantino.

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Short Stories

A Futuristic Tale
J. L. Navarro
Dr. David Cervantes was all alone in the world in the year 2549. He was 283 years old.

Close Encounters of the Enraged Kind
Lee Alon
On Madison and Ashland the light turned red. Behind his beat up old Volvo he could see a large car edging up to the rear bumper. He was with Robin and hating the world for yet another fucked up day.

Keep The Change
Kieran Fox
The Gifted Autistics Institution of America, a.k.a. GAIA, was part asylum, part training facility, and part research lab. But most of all, it was a corporate investment.

Let My People Go
George Condon
According to Legend, Moses was the adopted son of an Egyptian princess. More likely, he was just an ambitious shepherd. Or perhaps, he was an insurance investigator, like Alex Dorian.

Obsession Macabre
Al McDonald
He loved the beautiful Karen but he dared not speak to her. When he found out she wanted him too, it was too late. Or was it too late?

Security Culture
Jay Friess
Those who place security before freedom deserve neither.

The Chocolate Conspiracy
Bob Downing
The alien was determined to save our race from annihilation. Perhaps it was because he saw some hidden worth; perhaps it was because he valued all sentient life; perhaps it was his high ideals. Or perhaps it was simply because he liked Martha Jeffries' chocolate cake.

The Eye of Time
Brian C. Petroziello
If you take that path up the hill, you came to a set of stairs cut into the rock. Just below the arch there's a little ledge. When an Indian boy was on the verge of becoming a man, he would sleep on the ledge during a night when the moon was full. He would have visions. Sometimes of his future, sometimes of his past. The visions would guide his life, or save it.

The Gentle Art of Salesmanship
Shaun A. Saunders
When Ray arrived in heaven, he was not content with mere perfection; he set about making it better.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Children Suffering
G Scott

Coming Home
Gareth Lyn Powell

Dawn of Twilight
Johnna Crider

House of Marrow
Bobbi Sinha-Morey

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Articles and features

The Pollwatchers!
Cary Semar
Aphelion's Cary Semar turns his eye towards the political scene in this new feature!

Aphelion Interview:
Dan L. Hollifield

Aphelion's Publisher

Dan Hollifield Reviews:
The Evil Side of Lanaia Lee - Enter If You Dare

Poetry by Lanaia Lee.
Thoughtful, evocative, and sometimes spooky poetry.

Dan Hollifield Reviews:
After the Fall

The new Horror novel by Monica Y. Russell
A lyrical, elegant, yet disturbing vision.

Dan Hollifield Reviews:
The Burning House: Book Two of the Thran Chronicles
by H. David Blalock
An excellent sequel, even better than the first book.

Dan Hollifield Previews:
That Darn Squid God

The soon to be released novel by Nick Pollotta & James Clay.

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