George M. Scott
To believe or not to believe. That is the question Professor Laurie Dickinson must answer if she is to save her life.
Go Forth And Multiply
Stephen Thompson
The end of the world was an exciting time for a seven-year-old. It would have been a lot of fun, if his best friend wasn't
Jamie Reborn
Larry Ayres
You may cling to life to the very end, but if you have faith, you may take a leap into the cold, cold dark.
ReCycled Hero
Hell opened up and spat out a hero. A Writer's Challenge II Story.
Paul Gibson
The aliens were everywhere, and the human race was finished. Nevertheless, the 22nd Ohio Resistance Company had one final mission
to perform.
The Agreement
Terry Bramlett
Love and commitment bind us together, without regard to tribulation, circumstance or age.
The Aldis Mission
Ralph Benedetto, Jr.
Campbell Reese discovers new meanings of justice.
The End of the Road
Iain McWilliam
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore
all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
The Horseman
Jolene Lau
Do you see him? Do you see the story? Do you see anything? It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream—making a vain
attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and
bewilderment…that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams… —Joseph
Conrad, Heart of Darkness.
The New Guy
Daniel F. Beaupré
Here is a tale of one man who refused to accept the inevitable.
The Opium of the People
J. Alan Erwine
You can hide, or you can run. For Albert Silverberg, it may already be too late.
There's No Business Like Snow's
Craig Cornwell
Hercules, A mythical Bull and a legendary task, all add up to a very strange case for Snow Spackman, the world's finest
wise-cracking detective. You got a problem, who ya gonna call?