Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
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Issue 21 Volume 03 February 1999


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

A Saucerful of Secrets Part 3 (of 3)
Dan L. Hollifield

Maya Part 3 (of 8)
A.D. Jackson
An unusual object in Bimini; a strange signal from Neptune; an unknown mission to Pluto. The mystery of Maya continues…

Zod Part 9 (of 10)
Neil McGill
A side-splitting sci-fi romp through the cosmos.

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Short Stories

"Ray Guns and Space Ships and Fires…Oh My!"

Not long ago, Cary Semar posted a request on the Lettercol for more "hard SF" types of stories, tales involving space ships and science and gun fights and… Well, what started as a joke among the staff ("Gee, why don't we just have an all Space Opera issue?") is turning into a reality, with your help of course.


Yes, by popular demand, we are requesting submissions for an issue of short fiction dedicated entirely to tales of starships, to ditties about intergalactic war, to works about strange discoveries in space—in short, an all Space Opera issue.

When the stories are published, we will pick what we feel to be the three best pieces submitted (ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of course). Winners will receive a prized featured space in the special issue and will also receive a graphic for their webpage or desktop wallpaper. The graphic will be provided by esteemed publisher Dan Hollifield and by notorious webmaven Robert Wynne.

Submissions for this special issue should be sent to shorts@aphelion-webzine.com and should be clearly labeled as entries for the Space Opera Contest. (DO NOT submit serials as they will not be affected by the contest.) Stories should be no less than 2500 words and no more than 10,000 words in length. All submissions for the contest must be received by May 20, 1999. Multiple entries will be accepted. Editorial review will be limited to technical issues only (format, length, spelling, punctuation, etc.).

The theme issue itself will be published in July 1999.

This contest is not open to the staff of Aphelion though their stories may appear in the issue if they choose to write one and if space is available.

So charge up those disrupter banks, let loose the dogs of intergalatic war, look out for the Grey Lensmen, and may the best beings win!

John Gilmore
A tale of a luckless astronaut and his malfunctioning mechanical cat.

Games People Play
Tony Ruggiero
To the gods, we are as frogs to evil boys; they kill us for their sport…

If We Shadows Have Offended
Liz Martin
From "down under," an homage to Shakespeare's "The Tempest."

By Vasilis Adams A.
Lucifer investigates a mysterious decline in business.

Selling a House of Evil on a Buyer's Market
C. Adam Scott
Written by an atheist who thought that comments made while watching "Salem's Lot" would make a good basis for a story.

Stick Boys
Jeff Miller
It was a cruel, merciless existence. But it was the only life the boys had known.

Survivors from the Strippings
Frederick Rustam
Inspired by the Daniel Hanequand painting "The Survivors."

The Ameribahn
Gregory Thompson
Only the bravest and only the best can conquer "The Ameribahn."

The Truth Will Set You Free
McCamy Taylor
An old secret, an old ghost, and new technology.

Anatomy Lesson
Dennis Tallent
Sometimes it's what you don't know that can get you.

The Bluesman
Jim Peters
The Bluesman had the gift of touching souls with his music. A powerful weapon, indeed!

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Dan's Birthday Picks

Some of my favorites from the previous issues of Aphelion These stories aren't necessarily the best that Aphelion has ever published, but they are the ones that I have read over and over again. So many good stories have appeared here that I thought it would be unfair to call these few the "best of..." so I'm just calling them my favorites. I hope you like them as much as I do. I didn't include any of the serialized stories and only one by a staff member, so you can be sure that there was no nepotism involved and that these are a good sample of what we have published to date. The Editorial Mafia made me hold down the number of picks so as to leave room for the rest of this issue's stories- Otherwise, this would just be another way to access the Aphelion Archives. LOL!

Waiting in a Stony Place
W. Fraser Sandercombe
Fraser has a way of bringing characters to life on the page so that you actually care about what happens to them when the story is over.

A Man Shoots His Own Dogs
By Bob Blacketer

Bob's work seems to grab you by the throat and shake you. Strong emotions and convincing backgrounds are his specality.

Calling All Stars
Frederick Rustam
Its always a delight to recieve a submission from Frederick- his stories are well thought-out, surprising, and wonderful.

Over the Hill
Jim Parnell
A gritty little tale of cyberspace, detectives, and future crime- Jim proves that he's not just a top-flight musician any more.

Yesterdays Glory
Robert Wynne
Rob's only Mare Inebrium story to date and the best example of how to add background characters to a Mare story. He even taught me a few things.

Language Barrier
Kate Thornton
Kate's shuttle pilots come across as living, breathing people. They're as real as you or I and just as vital.

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Poetry and Filk Music

David Blalock

By Joseph St. John

One World
Dan Hollifield

Wolf's Bane
Rob Wynne and Jeffrey Williams

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Articles and features

Conventional Wisdom
Rob Wynne
A report on the goings on at Gafilk I

Double Wide
Jim Parnell
WARNING: Contains Language!

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield