Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
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Issue 20 Volume 02 January 1999


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

A Saucerful of Secrets Part 2 (of 3)
Dan L. Hollifield

On the Corner of Galaxy and Fifth Part 5 (of 5)
Robert Wynne & Jeff Williams
Strange Dreams lead to Strange Company…

Maya Part 2 (of 8)
A.D. Jackson
An unusual object in Bimini; a strange signal from Neptune; an unknown mission to Pluto. The mystery of Maya continues…

Zod Part 8 (of 10)
Neil McGill
A side-splitting sci-fi romp through the cosmos.

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Short Stories

Chapter 43: Encounter at Khasad-Mur
John C. Shanahan
Now for the conclusion of yet another volumes-spanning epic, pitting our farmboy-turned-savior against the-evil-that-will-not-die.

Dr. Exigente
A.Y. Tanaka
Mi clase es su clase.

Eyes of the Lily
Wendy A. Simpson
Quintana's body was getting old and it was time to find a younger one.

Harsh Rains
Tom Oliver
Delta III, or Del3 as the colonists came to call it, had an extremely fragile ecology. When the rains came late one year, the situation became very serious indeed!

Nikki Time
Jeff Williams
Sometimes a man's best friend comes in the most unexpected forms…

Side One
William Brinkman
Campus radical Marjorie Carter holds in her hands the life of conservative editor Jon Carson. Will she do nothing as her group moves on to the 'next level of activism' or will she risk her life to save a man she despises?

Snow Snipers
By T.S. George
It was just another mission for the group of snipers, until things began to go wrong…

The Bargain
Nicholas J. Perry
The wars had left Roylston Mithers with nothing but his memories.

The Gathering
Iain Muir
The tavernkeeper knew they were not ordinary guests, but they had money to throw away and that is what mattered to Appleyard.

The Sin of the Father
Rene Steen
The time traveller had disrupted the course of history; now he had to put it right.

The Wailing Tree
Kate Hill
Inspired by the Daniel Hanequand painting "Three Souls."

We Do Windows, Too
Atk. Butterfly
Don't wait for opportunities to knock, create your own.

T.S. George
Sometimes, one Chance is all you've got…

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Poetry and Filk Music

The Last Avatar of Light
Michael Carl Musser

What Price Mortality?
Iain Muir

David Blalock

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Articles and features

The Importance of Heroes
Anthony Isabella
Special to Aphelion this month, we are proud to reprint a series of columns written by professional author Tony Isabella, who examines the nature of heroes, both in modern fiction and the real world.

Double Wide
Jim Parnell
WARNING: Contains Language!
Meet Bubba. Um, we're not sure exactly what he's about, but he said that if we didn't print this, he'd come to visit our office and explain it.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield