Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 157 Volume 15 November 2011


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Sorry, there was no new Long Fiction in this issue.

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Short Stories

A Drop In The Well
Shawn Montgomery
Mike had been running the kitchen at The Wishing Well, a neighborhood bar and grill, for six years when Halloween rolled around, and the stranger walked in. It would be a night to remember — no matter how much he wished he could forget.

E. S. Strout
An experiment combining radioactive gases in a container made of an exotic form of carbon had produced unexpected results — something so dangerous that they decided to expel it from the universe itself.

Jerrod and the Undead Bucket List
Rachel Coles
It took Jerrod a while to understand that he was dead. Once he did, he was actually okay with it — for the first time in years, he wasn't in pain from the cancer or the worse-than-the-disease treatments. The only problem was that he had no idea what a newly-disembodied spirit was supposed to do.

Master Apprentice
Todd Nelsen
Kesil Lundfrick was only an apprentice wizard, and not a particularly powerful one at that. (The fact that his familiar was a mouse was not a matter of choice.) But the death of his Master had made him heir to all the secrets of the Tower.

Nurul Fateha
It was not surprising that he had crashed his Beemer — after all, he had been texting while driving at 160 kilometers per hour. It was downright shocking that the fellow he had run down seemed unharmed.

John T. Bien
At first, Chris Meade thought the strange girl was a victim. Then he thought she was a bloodthirsty monster. The truth was a lot more complicated.

Thank God It's Not Me…
Ray Prew
An excerpt from the journals of Frank Curry, one of the last living humans in a world overrun hordes of ravenous zombies.

The Legacy
H. R. Gillette
Alagor was the last man loyal to the old royal house. It was up to him to protect the key to real power in the kingdom from the usurper's followers — until it could be passed on to a legitimate heir.

The Unboxing
Mark Ward
It was a momentous day in the Auldsworthy household: Sir Colin had acquired the very latest thing, a Daedalus Pocket Titan, a Computing Engine small enough to fit in an ordinary parlor or foyer!

The Value of Records
Frederick Rustam
The assassin's target was the Emperor Nerang, a tyrant whose grip on his subjects was based on his obsessively detailed collection of records on every detail of their lives. The mission should have been hopeless — but the assassin found an unexpected ally.

Things To Do In The Bronze Age
David Barber
The siege of Ilium looked interesting, so the Warrior, the Knower, the Fox, and the Novice cloaked themselves in human form and … got involved.

October 2011 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to I. Verse (you don't want to know what "I." stands for), winner of the October 2011 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out Mr. Verse's "Fuller Foreclosure" and five more flash stories of murder (by humans only, please) most perfect, after sampling this month's editorial, poetry, short stories, and long fiction, of course…

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Poetry and Filk Music

Mike Berger

Jerome Brooke

Cosmic Ship of Dreams
Richard H. Fay

Hunting Season
Richard Tornello

The Night’s Mare
John Marshall

Portraits of Flame
Tyler McCurry

Renaissance ((Man))
Robin B. Lipinski

The Human Matchstick
Amit Parmessur

The Question That Can Never Be Answered
Jean Jones

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #34: Obligations 'R' Us
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

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