Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 156 Volume 15 October 2011


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Nightwatch: Transit
Jeff Williams
"Faith is not trying to believe something regardless of the evidence; faith is daring something regardless of the consequences." —Sherwood Eddy
In pursuit of a lead on the mysterious Prometheus Group, Simon Litchfield and Stephanie Keel board a train — but end up going somewhere not on the timetable.

The City of Never
Roland Allnach
A science fiction retelling of one of the West's oldest stories. An eccentric genius plans to create his masterpiece, the most beautiful city in the universe. In order to fulfill his dream, he must inject an element of sorrow and loss into the work—and he does not care who gets hurt in the process.

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Short Stories

Blood From A Stone
R. M. Kitson
Crikk was a demon or spirit, able to pass through or inhabit and animate the very stones and soil. But for all his power, he was bound to the service of the sorceror Tervor.

David Falkinburg
Tony had suffered from narcolepsy all his life, like his father and grandfather before him. Lately, his meds had been failing him, and the moments between waking and sleeping had become more and more terrifying…

Jackson French
Jared and his friends had been playing 'Deadpool' — betting that three celebrities on one player's list would die first — for years. Then Jared stumbled on something that gave him an unbeatable edge — or so he thought.

D. A. Cairns
Goyyou watched the world above his late father's underground laboratory and habitat with sadness, for he could never survive there — but to remain underground was to remain alone.

On Both Sides of Reality
Sergio Palumbo
The Dead had watched the Living since the beginning of time, using the births of new Living children as a means to live again. The virus that killed most of humanity and rendered the survivors Immortal — and sterile — changed all that.

E. S. Strout
At Dugway Proving Grounds, the Army field-tested every conceivable way to gain advantage on the battlefield. But one project had backfired, killing every man involved in the test.

The Body Surfer
Edward Ahern
Danton moved from host to host like a wisp of smoke sliding through the cracks in their souls, experiencing everything about their lives. But death, not life, was his real focus.

The Man Who Turned Himself Off
Dave Weaver
Findley discovered that he could mute or delete people and things around him that annoyed him with the twist of a dial…in his head. But even that wasn't enough to give him peace.

The Secret
Ioan Alexandru Despina
Vasile had moved from the city with his wife Florica because he wanted to truly become one of the simple farmers and tradespeople in the village. Then he began to see terrible things surrounding and within the people around him…

The Trip of a Lifetime
Richard Tornello
Artie and Sandy were brave and adventurous kids, the kind that give their parents premature grey hair and ulcers — or make them very proud — or both. Artie figured that stowing away on a bus bound for a destination forbidden to children could be the trip of a lifetime!

September 2011 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to Sergio Palumbo (a.k.a. ente per ente, eh eh) winner of the September 2011 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out Sergio's "The Consequences of Space Travel" and three more flash stories of Dark Matter written in a flash (two hours or less) , after sampling this month's editorial, poetry, short stories, and long fiction, of course…

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Poetry and Filk Music

Holly R. Appling

A Winter's Task
Richard Tornello

Halloween Poem
Richard Tornello

Life is the Life
Richard H. Fay

Blades of Heroes Fall - The Price of Glory
James Dye

Spectre’s Song
John Marshall

The Devil Speaks
Jean Jones

Trapped, Trapped in a Peanut Coffin
Amit Parmessur

Mike Berger

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #33: Not Making People Hit You
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Retrograde: The Moon and Mars: Two Classic Sci-fi Vistas with Arthur C. Clarke
Daniel C. Smith
Daniel tackles a pair of classic novels by the grandmaster Arthur C. Clarke

"Sacred Band" by Janet & Chris Morris
Dan Hollifield
Aphelion's publisher, editor in chief, and steampunk guru gives his thoughts on another Janet & Chris Morris novel.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield