Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 122 Volume 12 June 2008


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Novellas

The Gulf of Eden
Part One of Three
McCamy Taylor
After three years in exile, Isaac is coming home, but the planet which his warrior race have been deeded is already inhabited, and it is up to him to forge a truce with the strange people that claim this world as their own.

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Short Stories

Founding Fathers
Daniel C. Smith
Cyrus McGreevy loved money, especially the old-fashioned kind he could hold in his hands. He'd do anything to make more — even save the world.

Green T
E. S. Strout
Without the experimental treatment, Mike Norman would die. His parents wanted their son to live — but they could never have imagined what they thought were side effects.

Level 49
Lee Gimenez
Earth needed the resources that Mars could supply, enough so that little things like personal freedom were viewed as luxuries. If you couldn't escape the Draft, your ass belonged to MarsEx… and all you could hope for was to work your way up the Levels, closer to the surface.

Mystic Canyon
T. Richard Williams
The mission to search for life on Titan was a One-Way — reserved for terminally-ill volunteers like Jake Youngblood. Some people opposed One-Ways because they thought they treated people like Jake as expendable… but Jake didn't care.

Parallel Lives
Mary Brunini McArdle
Sarah and Judith were analogs — different versions of the same person in different worlds, leading lives that were often similar. Sarah was aware of the connection, and sometimes she saw trouble coming for Judith that she had already experienced. The urge to meddle was irresistible…

Alan Delaney
"Jim" — a semi-autonomous combat robot — had been in the field a long time, running Reconnaissance and Extermination missions against the insurgents scattered around the villages and caves, capturing new weapons as old ones were damaged or ran out of ammunition. His Heuristic artificial intelligence let him learn and adapt to new situations, which was fine, as long as Command could send him Orders…

Soul Searching
Saki Channing
The modified soul "Yin" had to find a way to rescue her friends before the witch (who preferred to be called the Red Goddess) finished stealing their souls. Luckily, she knew which dry cleaner would be processing them!

Michele Dutcher
Kriss and Shaeler were tourists of a sort, visiting Earth to experience the superstorm they knew was coming. Kriss wore a borrowed human body, while Shaeler was only in projected form, an insubstantial wraith that bore a remarkable resemblance to the marble satyr at the entrance to the library.

The Last War Dance
George T. Philibin
When two boys disappeared from their neighborhood in New Cambria City, then returned with a fantastic tale of time travel, aliens, and rescue by an old Native American, almost nobody believed them. But Roger and Mike had been through the same thing when they were young — and they knew what was coming next.

The Saga of 'Turim: Servant, Soldier
Jay T. Bucka
'Turim and eight other young members of the Clan of the Cougar were taken by the Varnin, supposedly as hostages to ensure that their Clan would yield to Varnin rule. But the Varnin did not waste the potential it saw in its bondservants, and 'Turim was destined for greater things.

Results of Forum Flash Challenge for May 2008

Congratulations to N. J. Kailhofer, winner of the May 2008 Forum Flash Challenge.
Check out All for Love and Old Wounds - the conclusion — based in Bill Warren's "Aphelion Project" universe, and continuing Bill Wolfe's Old Wounds (winner of the April Challenge) — after you read and comment on our other fine features, of course…)
Visit the Forum Fun and Games area later this month for the NEXT challenge to your imagination and writing skills.

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Poetry and Filk Music

A Possibility Within The World of Quantum Multi-Universe Probabilities
Richard Tornello

By Degree
Michaela Sefler

Green Grass
Richard H Fay

Aurelio Rico Lopez III

Lingering Images of Dead Spacemen
John Grey

Manic Is The Dark Night
Michael Lee Johnson

M Saling

One Evening On A Drive to the Food Store
Richard Tornello

Osiris Rising
J. Davidson Hero

Sonnet For An Orc
Stuart Sharp

James Matthew Byers

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Articles and features

Sorry, but there are no feature articles this month.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield