Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page
P&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top Ten

Hello and welcome to the November 2023 issue of Aphelion!

October was mostly great. The re-issue of Tales From The Mare Inebrium is progressing, Hallowcon was loads of fun with many friends, and my youngest grandaughter turned one year old. Then I learned that an old friend had unexpectedly passed away--far to young. That sort of took the wind out of my sails.

I'm maintaining as best I know how. Work helps. I threw myself into finishing up the editing and whatnot for this issue. Sorry it's a day late, but I assure you it isn't a dollar short. 

My retirement is looming. Seven more weeks 'til the end of the year, then I take next year's vacation time off, then I'll throw myself into writing more stories and music, working around the house, maybe even a couple more conventions per year. We'll see.

At Hallowcon, I was asked to be a Guest Author next year. Good thing my publisher is getting the Mare Inebrium book ready for re-issue. I sold my last copy of the first edition at Hallowcon. I'll need more for 2024. Oh, I've also been asked to write the soundtrack to an animated movie. An artist friend from the Netherlands is drawing it. Other friends are providing the voice acting for the characters. I've already had fun doing the music for the opening scenes.

The Tom Darby prequel book should be the nect thing my publisher sets me up with an editor to fine-tune. After that, the Nightwatch book, Fly By Wire should be next in line. I need to finish the manuscript for The Cat And The Crow soon, then paint the cover art for it. After that, Mare Inebrium Volume Two. What will happen after that I'm not sure. There are more stories to tell, more fun to be had, more conventions to attend. The future is as yet unwritten...

The online streaming shows "Stupid O'clock" and "Last Man Standing" have been uploaded live to YouTube as well as several Facebook pages for over two years now. They are basically live-streaming chat shows covering a range of topics, modeled on the types of conversations people have after hours at SF&F conventions. Joe McKeel and I have archives of past shows on our own YouTube channels. Check 'em out if that sounds like something you'd enjoy I've put links in our Features section that will take you to the YouTube archives of both shows.

With all that said, it's high time I shut up and let you get to reading. 

Enjoy yourselves,




Title: The Coronet region in visible light

Courtesy: ESO