Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
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Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page
P&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top Ten

Hello and welcome to the October 2023 issue of Aphelion!

I have spent most of August and all of September dealing with a wonky Internet connection. Which makes dealing with any Aphelion submissions which I haven't previously downloaded quite the PITA. In the few minutes out of each hour per day when I can get to my online email programs, I have been able to download and edit all the stories I have room for in the upcoming issues, but it's slow going, and extremely frustrating. I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with, I promise. A repair tech has been scheduled to come out and sort the problems, but the October issue is due to go live before that can happen. If the issue comes out late, it's because of me. Everyone else is ready and has all their parts of the issue uploaded.

Some good news is that 1) I have only 12 weeks left to work before I can retire, and 2) Lyn and I will be going to Hallowcon in 4 weeks, and 3) we have our badges and hotel reservations to attend LibertyCon in 2024!  We're thinking strongly about adding a Winter and a Spring convention to our schedule once I am retired.  Perhaps the Atlanta Steampunk Expo for Winter, and  something else within driving distance of our home for Spring. We'll just have to check the nearby con schedules to find out what and where and when.

I must admit that the upcoming changes to my life are more than a little imtimidating. I've been a working stiff since 1976! The thought of NOT having a weekly paycheck coming in every Thursday is absolutely frightening. Yes, I know, I have my factory pension, my 401k, and Social Security to take the place of that paycheck. Still, none of those seem real yet. They haven't started yet. I have been screwed over by the universe so many times that I can't trust what any of the Powers That Be have to say on any subject. Until those disbursements begin to arrive in my bank I will be in a state of incipient panic. All I can do is wait and see. I hate waiting to see if something out of my control is dependable, or just another lie.

Until then, it's one foot in front of the other. Keep on keeping on. It's all I know how to do.

And so, now it's time for a change of pace.

The online streaming shows "Stupid O'clock" and "Last Man Standing" have been uploaded live to YouTube as well as several Facebook pages for over two years now. They are basically live-streaming chat shows covering a range of topics, modeled on the types of conversations people have after hours at SF&F conventions. Joe McKeel and I have archives of past shows on our own YouTube channels. Check 'em out if that sounds like something you'd enjoy I've put links in our Features section that will take you to the YouTube archives of both shows.

With all that said, it's high time I shut up and let you get to reading. 

Enjoy yourselves,




Title: NGC 1333

Image Processing;
Varun Bajaj (STScI), Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Jennifer Mack (STScI)