Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page
P&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top Ten

Hello and welcome to the March 2022 issue of Aphelion!

We have our regular supply of outstanding original stories. Thank you all for helping keep us going through the past quarter-century!

First off, we want to give a shout-out to Devin Marcus for having been our short stories editor for the pase few years. Devin has done a remarkable job, but he wants to step down and concentrate on his new job and new home. He's even excited about having time to write, himself, and send some stories our way. So that leaves us in search of another Short Stories Editor. If anyone wants to pitch in, please let us know! I'll be filling the editorial shoes until then. Bear with me while I get adjusted to that. I've gotten a bit rusty as I've been concentrating on my own stories so much. Devin will be a hard act to follow, let me tell you!

I'm looking forward to Convention Season opening back up. Lots of old friends I haven't been able to see over the past couple of years will be visited with when that happens! My wife and I already have our memberships and room reservations for LibertyCon. Reservations for Hallowcon open up soon, too. Once I retire, we may add a Winter and Spring convention to our regular schedule. We'll see what happens when it happens.

As for personal news; I am still waiting on my turn in my publisher's slate of upcoming new books. They have a lot of books coming out soon, so it's only a matter of time. I'm still working on my unfinished projects, in the meantime. It's slow going; meaning that my day job keeps me busy, as well as the house and yard needing a bit of work. My distressing habit of being waylaid by np-ninjas isn't helping much, either. 

As I said last month; if you have any way to get in contact with any of the old-school writers of our Mare Inebrium Shared Universe stories, please do--and tell them I need to talk with them. Most especially Bill Wolfe and Wishbone, but everyone else as well. I've gotten several positive responses from writers I am still in contact with, so things look fairly good at this point. If you're  Mare Inebrium writer still visiting Aphelion after all this time, please do get in contact with me through e-mail or Facebook Messenger. We have a lot to talk about! My publisher suggested my doing an anthology of other writers' stories in the series. I really want to be able to include work by the people who made the series the success that it's become.

The online streaming shows "Stupid O'clock" and "Last Man Standing" have links in our Features section now. Those will take you to the YouTube archives of both shows. There are two years-worth of fun in those archives. Lots of chatter about every subject under the sun, and a few things in orbit around it. We've been lucky enough to be joined by a few guests, from time to time, and new folks have become regular or semi-regular crewmembers. .

With all that said, it's high time I shut up and let you get to reading. 

Enjoy yourselves,




Title: The planetary nebula Fleming 1 seen with ESO’s Very Large Telescope

Courtesy: ESO/H. Boffin