Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Why Humans Went Extinct

by Christopher T. Dabrowski

Translated from Polish by Julia Mraczny

Everything indicated humans were extinct.

"I think we've overdone it with the COVID-19," the alien nervously scratched his striations.

"I heard they went extinct because of some Tiktok, whatever that is," spoke up his companion.

"They were generally weak. Hardly any could produce the abs, let alone carve striations on their brains…"

"Nothing for us here. Move – the leader interrupted him and sighed at the memory of the good old days when, millions of years ago, he agreed with the ape leader to tweak them genetically."

He bribed him with a banana container.

They vaccinated the monkeys, who became humans.

© 2024 Christopher T. Dabrowski

Christopher T. Dabrowski has published in many places:
USA: "Escape" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomaly" (2020 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Spain:"La fuga" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomalia" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Germany: "Die Anomalie" (2020 - Der Romankiosk)
Poland: "Deathbirth" (2008 - Armoryka publishing house),
"Anima vilis" (2010 - Initium publishing house),
"Grobbing" (2012 - Novae Res publishing house),
"Deathbirth and other stories" (2012 & 2017 - Agharta & Armoryka publishing house),
"Z życia Dr Abble" (2013 - Agharta publishing house),
"Orgazmokalipsa" (2016 - Alternatywne publishing house),
"Anomalia" (2016 - Forma publishing house),
"Ucieczka" (2017 - Dom Horroru publishing house) &
"Nie w inność" (2019 - Waspos publishing house.)
He has contributed to anthologies published in the USA, England, Australia, Canada, Poland, Russia, Germany & India, and has stories in PLAYBOY in the Slovak, USA, English, Czech , Russian, Brasilian, Spanish, Argentinian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Mexican, Albanian, & Nigerian editions.

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