Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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by Christopher T. Dabrowski

Translated from Polish by Magda Woźniak

Dream holidays. Coach drive. Suddenly interrupted sleep. Tyres swish. Throwing aside. Bang! Shouts. Blood. Darkness. I am hovering. I am over the wreck. The others are hovering with me. Have we died? I think so. Final journey. Higher and higher. Something is sucking up us. Speed up. Dark tunnel. Darkly. Darkly. Some light in the distance. Is it approaching? No, we are rushing towards it. Are they escorting us? Who? I do not know, I cannot see them, only feel. We are stopping. Enormous queue of souls. We are waiting, but we have time. We are well, blissful calmness encompassed us. Finally at home. My turn. I am standing in front of brightness. It is time to judgement. I was evil. Return to Earth – Hell.

© 2021 Christopher T. Dabrowski

Christopher T. Dabrowski has published in many places:
USA: "Escape" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomaly" (2020 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Spain:"La fuga" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomalia" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Germany: "Die Anomalie" (2020 - Der Romankiosk)
Poland: "Deathbirth" (2008 - Armoryka publishing house),
"Anima vilis" (2010 - Initium publishing house),
"Grobbing" (2012 - Novae Res publishing house),
"Deathbirth and other stories" (2012 & 2017 - Agharta & Armoryka publishing house),
"Z życia Dr Abble" (2013 - Agharta publishing house),
"Orgazmokalipsa" (2016 - Alternatywne publishing house),
"Anomalia" (2016 - Forma publishing house),
"Ucieczka" (2017 - Dom Horroru publishing house) &
"Nie w inność" (2019 - Waspos publishing house.)
He has contributed to anthologies published in the USA, England, Australia, Canada, Poland, Russia, Germany & India, and has stories in PLAYBOY in the Slovak, USA, English, Czech , Russian, Brasilian, Spanish, Argentinian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Mexican, Albanian, & Nigerian editions.

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