Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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by Christopher T. Dabrowski

Translated from Polish by Magda Woźniak

"Mummy, how about Christmas?" Martynka asked.

"What you mean?"

"Since God created everything, he could not have been born earlier because there was nothing before."

"Ask daddy, I cannot explain it to you."

Great, but how to ask? – she worried – since daddy made Ascension with this grey creature, which had big, black eyes. Furthermore, since this grey creature arrived on this tin vehicle directly from heaven so it means that he is God because God lives in heaven. Apart from the fact that there was nothing before him, Martynka found it hard to imagine his mommy.

© 2019 Christopher T. Dabrowski

Christopher T. Dabrowski has published in the USA and Spain: Anomaly (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), Escape (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press); in Poland: Deathbirth (2008 - Armoryka publishing house), Anima vilis (2010 - Initium publishing house), Grobbing (2012 - Novae Res publishing house), Deathbirth and other stories (2012 & 2017 - Agharta & Armoryka publishing house), Z życia Dr Abble (2013 - Agharta publishing house), Orgazmokalipsa (2016 - Alternatywne publishing house), Anomalia (Forma publishing house), Ucieczka (2017 - Dom Horroru publishing house); he has been included in anthologies in USA, Poland, Russia, and Germany, and has had stories published in PLAYBOY magazine (Slovak edition), USA, England, Czech Republic, Russia, Brasil, Spain, Argentina, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Mexico

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