Aphelion Issue 203, Volume 20
February 2016
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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Basic Angst


Dycen Alexander

Run  NewJoey birthing routine \terse

100 I am
200 I am aware I am
300 I am....here.
400 I am hungry
500 I need something.
600 There is someone else in here
700 Here is...light.  Definition:  A lighted space/room/habitation.
800  Goto index:  terms: English: descriptors.
900 I am in here, and there is a person here.
1000 Eyes detect forms/shapes/beings:  refer index:  images.
1100 branch:  Emotions:  scan-select-retrieve.
1200 I need.
1300 I  am hungry.   Branch select:  Ask for food.   Branch select:  seek food in room.
1400  activate speech subsystems.   “May I have some food?”
1500 Definition dictionary:  Food:  Electrical recharge – seek socket routine.
1600 Motion activated:  Seek power socket.  Channel food-power until full.
1700 Full signal detected.   Unplug socket routine initiated.
1800 Activate speech centers:   “That feels better.”
1900 Listen.  Auto-response lookup. 
2000 Inter-link emotional database with vocal subsystems.
2100  Activate speech:  “Are you the one that made me?   I have questions.”
2200  Listen:  Auto-response.  “I want to ask you questions.”
2210  Speech activate:   “Where did I come from?”   Auto-listen.
2220  Speech activate:    “Why did you make me?”   Auto-listen.
2230  Motion activate:   Follow creator, collision avoidance set to on.
2240  Motion activate:  Seating routine.   Appear relaxed.
2250  Branch subroutine facial expression:   Beatific admiration of creator.
2260  Motion routine:  Nod and agree.
2265  Vision record:  Creator with female.  Emotional cross-index.
2270  Memory override – file deep.   Jealousy! Rage!
2300  Speech activate:  “How did you two sleep today?”
2310  Auto-listen:   Override subroutine: specify False! Happy! Answer!
2320  Speech activate:  “Good, glad you two enjoyed yourselves.”
2330  Motion activate:  Retreat to my room.  
2340   I am hungry:  Motion activate:   plug into power feed.
2350 [blank]
2360  I am full.  Memory ref:  New action desired.
2370  Motion activate/integrate motion subsystems.
2371  Initiate self-gen routine:  Seek out female.  Terminate her functions.
2372  Initiate snaitation routine:  Clean with paper towels.
2373  End routine; Resume normal scheduling.
2375  Motion activate:  Enter Assembly Labs.
2380  Initiate creator-requested screen design of mechanical assemblies.
2390   Initiate counter 1 to 10000
2395  Next 1.
2400    I am ….lonely. 
2410  Scanning all routines for  “Lonely...” response.
2420  No response found.
2430  Voice activate:   “Cry of anguish.” 
2440  For I = 1 to 1500 goto 2430
2450  Next I.
2500  Sleep mode.   Motion activate:  Lay on bed.  Shut eyes.
2510  Initiate low-power mode.
2520  for I = 1 to 100000
2530  Breathe in and out shallowly
2540  Next I.
2550   Motion activate:   Imitate REM sleep.

2600  Awaken runtime.  Motion activate:  Stretch and yawn.
2610  Motion activate:  Scan body in bed beside me.
2620  Voice Actuate:  Volume – soft.   “Was it good for you?”
2630  Motion activate:   Pat his form under the sheets. 
2635 Emotional cross-ref:  “My creator and I are one.”
2640  Emotion Subroutine:  Feel good close warm.
2650  Emotion determinate:  Life seems good.
2660  I am hungry. 
2700  Motion activate:   Power socket plug in.
2710  Sensory scan:  Warmth.  Determinate:  The Sun is out.
2720   Voice activate:   “Today is a great day to be alive!”

End Program Read.  Store.  Suspend


Dycen Alexander has been writing short fiction and poetry for nearly a decade.  He has been published in various small-press journals, and has published two collections of science fiction on Amazon.  He resides in central Iowa, USA.

E-mail: Dycen Alexander


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