Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Dr Geung Si

by Joey To


Finally finished unpacking. Hope this bunker will last longer. Still, glad to be alive and the director is thankfully away for briefings. I can't believe this project hasn't been cancelled but I guess the army is desperate for "organic assets" and drones are limited.

I always said zombies are too stupid and slow. Sure, they can be conditioned to some extent but we mowed them down easily during live-fire tests and it's not like they can be taught to use firearms. Unless large numbers are loose in enemy-held territory, damage is minimal. Of course, when some idiot accidentally let them out, the damage was conveniently catastrophic.


The director returned, four days late. Apparently, he had several funerals to attend but I reckon he went fishing. He said the war isn't going well. Like that's news. I suggested using geung si this time, a Chinese vampiric species with zombie-like characteristics. (European vampires dress as bad as their attitude.) Geung si are no smarter than zombies but are more formidable. They move by hopping with their arms raised and stretched forward. They're not fast but they're oddly quicker than they look.

But NOOOO, our moron director said geung si "looks stupid" and insisted on breeding zombies, this time using the runner variety. So looking forward to our first test.


They overran the facility in under thirty minutes. Have to pack and move. Again.

Note: runners can crawl and climb.


After all the hassles, the fool still wants zombies. He wants to mix the slow and runner types to achieve "balanced and manageable speeds" as well as engineering their digestive tracts to retain more gas as they decompose, making them exploders. Probably easier to use rubber stoppers and he should be the one to insert them. Either way, whilst exploders can potentially infect more enemies when their gunfire causes them to "rupture" it makes logistics much trickier.

We did convince him to allow the parallel development of geung si units.


It took forty shotgun shells to immobilize a geung si. For the new hybrid zombie, it took six. Definitely no need to fit the former with body armor. We also lost a few guys who didn't realize these zombies can spit. No loss. Didn't like them anyway.

The geung si don't sleep much either. They consistently hop into doors. Like they have somewhere to be.


Bombs and power failures are the norm now. The zombies escaped. Fortunately, there were only a dozen left and the sentry flamethrower guarding the hallway neutralized six. A few geung si somehow got out so it was three vampires against six zombies. Despite all the slashing and clawing, the geung si could hardly be brought down and, when they did, they sprung back up, strangling and biting. Wish I had recorded it. Started a pool and I won fifty bucks.


I won another fifty bucks. The (mildly) injured geung si from the brawl remained unchanged. Their injuries healed and tissue samples matched previous results. It was the zombies which changed into geung si.


More bombs fell. Apparently, it's a stalemate and we've been told to speed up our efforts lest someone resorts to something stupid like nukes.

I'd prefer to know more about their capabilities but there's little to do in terms of development. They can't operate weapons. If anything, they just chew on the barrels. One blew his own head off. Anyway, I recommend airdropping them with auto-parachutes.


Command was impressed with our reports and sent us trainloads of convicts. Just the really bad ones.


The convicts turned overnight quite nicely. Strapping auto-parachutes to them was… difficult. No one got bitten but geung si do have a long reach and an iron grip. Just a few bruised tracheas. I have to quickly design cuffs and muzzles with their release mechanisms linked to the auto-parachutes.


We worked hard to produce the restraint systems required. The fitting process went smoothly enough. Directing them into air transports was tedious and it was one mere company. They wanted to hop around, mostly in the direction of the city and not just toward the nearby staff. They didn't like it but the cattle-prod was sufficient.

Reminder: in future deployments, tag and track all units.


The muzzles and restraints unlocked perfectly when the parachutes were deployed. Unfortunately, the geung si apparently gnawed their straps. We obviously underestimated their chewing prowess since pilots reported that "within seconds" after parachute deployment, the parachutes ceased dropping in a controlled fashion and instead started flailing about.

I better program a delay into the release. At least we wasted only one company.


Fixed the restraints and successfully dropped a battalion behind enemy lines. From the drone footage, they wonderfully wreaked havoc. Some got taken out but they persistently hopped toward the soldiers. At first, the enemy seemed complacent but geung si always close in quicker than one expects. Quite a few enemy combatants turned as well.


Interesting observations today: after the geung si were done with proximate targets, most hopped toward our line; the only ones which moved toward enemy territory were those who were once enemy personnel.


Mum called today. She's well, the city mostly untouched. She knows folklore stuff so I asked her why geung si seem to return home. She said some may pursue those who harmed them in life, which usually means back to their colleagues or family etc.

Meanwhile, we've bred and deployed more units.


Got woken up to more bombings earlier. Turned out it wasn't enemy aircraft. It was our own security using grenades. Many geung si are returning. My idiot boss got swamped by his own family. The fool used his terminally ill family and acquaintances for his hybrid zombies (which later converted to geung si).

The creepy bastards are quicker than they look but I made it to the safe room and initiated a distress call.


Got a reply from Command: due to the mayhem caused by geung si on both sides, both parties has resorted to tactical nukes.

Yep, that all went well.


© 2015 Joey To

Joey wasn't interested in writing when he was young. However, he was always the creative type, enjoying visual arts. In recent years, he developed a penchant for creative writing, partly to amuse himself. One day, he was told his writing "wasn't that bad" and so he made submissions. Website: www.joeytoey.com

E-mail: Joey To


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