Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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by Botond Teklesz

The computer was asleep. It slept twenty hours a day. No sound, no image, just the dark screen that showed nothing. But those four hours it was awake, it made the universe exist. Stars began to shine, supernovas exploded and disappeared into nothingness leaving black holes and spinning comets which on their turn blew life into empty planets that circled imaginary galaxies.

All the lives of all creatures were enclosed in this tiny microchip that once interconnected with subatomic particles made a full circuit. This way, the Brain was everywhere, yet inexistent at the same time.

It was the word, the scripture, the poem, that made the artist; it was the leaf that made the tree, the sand that made the desert. It was time itself, the defiant, radiant little molecule, which brought life after millions of years to planets like Earth. Yet it was lonely as a teardrop in an ocean. It knew in its infinity that one day there will be no reason to wake up anymore.


© 2014 Botond Teklesz

Bio: Botond Teklesz is an English single major Hungarian by mother tongue. Botond says of himself "I love to write and to translate. I am a fool for Sci-fi and have read most of Bradbury and Asimov. I mean Hamlet is great but it never made me laugh."

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