Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
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Evil Podcast: Call for Submissions

by Dan L. Hollifield

Late on the evening of September 30th I got an e-mail from Dennis Serra asking if I were willing to send him some of the best Horror stories from Aphelion's archives to use on his Podcast show. I replied that I couldn't because I don't have any rights to distribute any work that has been submitted to Aphelion. Those rights are retained by the authors and I cann't touch their work beyond the scope of Aphelion. I told him what I could do is to put the word out to the writers and let them choose to send him submissions themselves. So here is the text of his e-mail:

Hello Mr. Hollifield,

I wanted to offer you free advertising on my horror fiction podcast, Evil Podcast.

I searched and did not notice a podcast presence for your magazine. My name is Dennis Serra; I am the producer and narrator of Evil Podcast. It is a horror fiction podcast that is receiving great reviews on Apple Podcasts (ITunes) and other podcast destinations.

I am collecting story submissions for my second season that will be airing in December and would love to feature stories that have appeared in your magazine. I know you are busy so let me cut to the chase on what I am offering and what I am looking for.

I am recording at least six episodes for season two (maximum of twelve episodes) and need about 3,000 words of horror fiction short stories for each episode. It can be one story an episode or up to three. I do not need you to fill all episodes. If interested you can submit as a few as one story or as many as you want featured. I will credit your magazine and author in the audio episode and in the show notes (excellent for SEO).

Credits to the magazine and author can include a short bio and mention where to find them on social media (websites, Twitter handles, Facebook pages, etc.).

I will narrate and produce the story for free if you do not have a quality recording of the story. My listeners love my creepy tone and deep voice (see my five star reviews on Apple Podcasts).

Once the podcast episodes are released they will stay on my website and iTunes (and other podcast directories) while future episodes continue to be released. Podcast listeners tend to listen to an entire library of episodes when they find a show they enjoy (affectionately known as ‘Binging’). Your magazine’s name and information will be heard by Evil Podcast’s current subscribers upon release of the episode. As Evil Podcast continues to grow the episode(s) with your story(s) will continual to be discovered by new listeners and create ongoing free advertising for you.

For season two I need to receive the stories by November 1, 2017. This will give me enough time to record, edit, and produce the episodes for the December release.

I am also putting together a special Halloween episode and will need stories by the end of day October 8, 2017 to be considered for this special episode. I am gathering about 5,000 words of fiction for this one episode.

With any story you submit for consideration please include a quick bio of the author and any information you want me to include about your magazine. The bio and magazine information will be recorded on the episode and placed in the show notes.

I understand there are different types of horror stories. I am open to almost any sub-genre, but I tend not to record gore or splatter type stories.

If you would like to contribute stories to Evil Podcast please forward them to me for consideration: MrDennisSerra@yahoo.com as a PDF file.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Dennis Serra
Evil Podcast
Cell: (847) 334 – 6877
Email: Dennis Serra
Website: Evil Podcast.com
Twitter: @DennisSerra
Facebook: Evil Podcast
Last episode example: Devil's Corner
Where to find the show:
Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Play Music, Soundcloud, iHeart Radio, Tunein, and most places you listen to podcasts.

Submissions notice © 2017 Dennis Serra & Dan Hollifield

Bio: Dennis Serra is the producer and narrator of Evil Podcast. It is a horror fiction podcast that is receiving great reviews on Apple Podcasts (ITunes) and other podcast destinations.

E-mail: Dennis Serra

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