Aphelion Editorial 012
January 1998
by Dan L. Hollifield
Aphelion Webzine and Cris Lawrence's story "Time and Time
Again" were both nominated for a "Top 10 on the Internet" award
presented by the Preditors & Editors website. The contest ended
at midnite on January 1st, and the winner was Titan Webzine with Allen
Woods' story "Riddle of the Jade Eagle". Allen is also the writer of
the series "Through the Dark Veil" which is currently running here in
Cris' story finished #7 in the voting, while
Aphelion finished as the #7 webzine. Aphelion also shares the #18
position with Dragon's Lair Webzine for Roger Bennett's story
"Starshock". Thank you for your vote. So many good friends were in the
running finally, that no one really lost the contest. Congratulations
are also due to The Writer's Club and Dragon's Lair Webzine for their
strong showing in the contest. I was proud to notice that several of
the writers and stories nominated in the contest had previously
appeared in Aphelion.
However, I received an e-mail January 13th telling me
that Aphelion has been given a "Fiendish Best" award by Pro
Sci-Fi/Fantasy writer Allan Cole's website!
Cole And Cash's
Fiendish Best On
The Web Award
The banner above provides a link to Allan Cole's website where you may
find out more about his work. You can also find links to the other
recipients of this award.
Welcome back for our 12th issue! If you'd like to be on a
mailing list for notification of the update or for the upload of new
issues of Aphelion then click
here to send me an e-mail. Be sure to put the words Aphelion
Mailing List in the Subject line of the e-mail. This
mailing list will only be used to notify you of new issues and will
never be given out to anyone else... 'cause I hate spam as much as you
While our normal letter column is still down, and may need to
be deleted, I've left the links to it at the end of each story intact
in case Robert can correct the problem. It doesn't look hopefull
though, so don't even try it. I have made arrangements with Pagecount
and the company that used to be called LPage to give us two different
substitutes for the old lettercol. By clicking on the "Leave Message"
button on our Pagecount hit counter, you can leave me a private
message, but be sure to chose the "private message" option or I may not
be able to accesses it. There is now also a Guestbook provided by LPage
for you to use as a replacement for the old Lettercol. Use the "Sign my
Guestbook" or "View my Guestbook" links to access this feature. Thanks
for being so patient. I'm still refining the look and options of the
guestbook, so keep your eyes open for changes.
I'd like to thank those of you who have sent e-mails for your
feedback. Keep those e-mails coming, folks! Without those messages we
will never know what we need to improve upon. Hope you like the
improvements so far!
We had 1032 Readers visit Aphelion in
December! A record-breaking month!
Thank you! Please keep coming back for each new issue
as it goes online.
Starting with the February issue (#13), Aphelion is going to
shift to a bi-monthly schedule. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but
I'm going to have to do this for personal reasons;
- I'm going to start working more overtime at my regular job
so as to make ready to buy a house.
- I've started submitting stories to the paying publishers
again and need more time to write.
- And I'm fighting a case of burn-out from the workload of
producing Aphelion each month.
So you can see that I have to do this in order to keep from shutting
Aphelion down entirely. It is my hope that each bi-monthly issue will
have as much material as two monthly issues would have had, as well as
keeping the quality of the issues high and getting them out on time. I
plan on keeping Aphelion running for at least another two years, after
which time I'll review my options and decide on the best course of
action. I look forward to the support of the readers and writers-
whatever happens in the future, I'm dedicated to doing the best job
that I can possibly do.
Thank you all, for you make everything that happens at
Aphelion worthwhile.
If you miss the wavefile that played automatically at the
start of our first two issues click here
to hear it now.
And now, I'll shut up and let you get to reading. Thanks again
for visiting. Enjoy yourselves!
© 1998 Dan L. Hollifield
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