Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
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Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page

Submission Guidelines

Aphelion Webzine publishes original science-fiction, fantasy, and horror fiction, poetry, and features on the first Sunday of every month except January. Aphelion is a non-paying venue, but offers writers a chance to put their work in front of other writers and SF readers to get feedback on their work and generally improve their craft. Because Aphelion is a non-paying venue, stories published here do not count as professional publication. All copyrights are reserved to the original authors.

Long Fiction guidelines
Submission guidelines for fiction which is longer than 7500 words.
Editor: Lester Curtis

Short Fiction guidelines
Submission guidelines for fiction which is 1001 words to 7500 words.
Editor:  Dan L. Hollifield

Flash Fiction guidelines
Submission guidelines for fiction which is shorter than 1001 words.
Temporary Editor: Iain Muir

Poetry and Filk Music guidelines
Submission guidelines for poetry, songs, and other verse.
Editor: Iain Muir

Features guidelines
Submission guidelines for reviews, essays and other feature articles.
Editor: Jeffrey Williams

Mare Inebrium guidelines
Submission guidelines for the Mare Inebrium shared universe project.
Editor: Dan L. Hollifield

Nightwatch guidelines
Submission guidelines for the Nightwatch shared universe project.
Editor: Jeffrey Williams

The Aphelion Project guidelines
Submission guidelines for the Aphelion Explorer shared universe project.
Editor: Nate Kailhofer