Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
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Issue 104 Volume 10 August/September 2006


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

Nightwatch: Adam
Iain Muir
The peace talks were going well — as well as any peace talks ever do. If only the Arab delegates wouldn't keep turning up dead in their hotel rooms, they might have a chance. The killer refuses to show up on video tape, and leaves no fingerprints behind. What Vrchny Inspektor Franticek Capek can't understand is the traces of clay his men keep finding…

A new shared universe series: Nightwatch, under the direction of Jeff Williams.

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Short Stories

Another Isis
Josephine Goodman
Seilya had a secret. She had left another name, another career, and what some people had deemed to be a major crime behind for a quiet existence on Libra Outpost One — or so she thought. But some things about her past were secret even from her.

J. R. Sherwin
Dr. Mooney and his staff had the answer for the never-ending problem of sexual assault, from almost consensual sex through drug-assisted date rapes through to the most violent and even fatal attacks. Sure, it was a little drastic, but when a disease becomes endemic, drastic measures are needed to keep things from getting even worse.
(Warning:Contains adult language and situations)

Heart's Desire
Saki Channing
The charm Michael had purchased from the old voodoo woman was supposed to grant him his heart's desire. And Michael knew exactly what he wanted: he wanted to be with Meghan again. At least, that's what he thought he wanted…

Into the Future
Mel Goldberg
Vikram and Bimal had been childhood friends in the Khurai region of Imphal. Later, they had become colleagues, eventually ending up together at American Propulsion Laboratories in Arizona. They had always been fascinated by the idea of time travel — until an accident left Vikram paralyzed, and his fascination became a personal quest.

Meet the Bartletts
Karen Yeo
Samantha and Bob Bartlett weren't used to having spaceships land in their neighbor's overgrown field, although Bob had plenty of experience — with 50's science fiction movies, that is. But it was up to them to save the world, even if their son refused to take the situation seriously.

Miranda Solves the Case
Mary Brunini McArdle
Cece was to be a bridesmaid at her friend Marcia's wedding, and was suffering the usual wardrobe anxiety. But when Marcia was murdered on the day of her bridal shower, and Cece became a suspect, wardrobe seemed a lot less important. Fortunately, Cece's cat Miranda had a few ideas about catching the killer…

Daniel C. Smith
Jameson Pierce had been called a hero, although all he had done was survive a battle that had left the rest of his unit dead. Then he had been labelled a criminal, perhaps with even less justification, and had served a forty-year virtual sentence in two days. Now he had to re-enter a world that hadn't really changed at all. But he was different…
(Warning:Contains adult language and situations)

Trouble on Gaq 7
Thomas Lee Joseph Smith
Dalton Diamond and Percy Falcon had just completed negotiations to establish trade between Earth and Gaq 7. That hadn't been easy, when neither side had more than a rudimentary grasp of the other side's language and customs. Now they were heading home, with Breet, a Gaq native chosen by his people as an emissary to Earth. That is, if they could get Breet into the ship without killing him… and how hard could that be?

Versions of Me
Graeme Down
Professor Julian Vinson had taken familiar technology used to clone individual organs for implantation one giant step further. He could create complete, viable human bodies. Naturally, his first experiments were aimed at copying himself. But he hadn't anticipated the possibility of a whole new kind of identity theft.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Sonata in Black and White
Mary E Cody

We are all Born Free
Jacques Du Moulin

The Slough of Despond
Iain Muir

The Stars of a Narcissus
Bobbi Sinha-Morey

A Very Natural Thing
Gary William Crawford

Universal Light
Cynthia Betsinger

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Articles and features

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