Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
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The Stars of a Narcissus

by Bobbi Sinha-Morey

In the pale stars
of a narcissus you
can see a tiny corona
of light growing in the
drops of a melting red
novae and gold shining
below the moonlit fire
in the sky dusted in a
blue velvet nebulae.

© 2006 Bobbi Sinha-Morey

Bobbi Sinha-Morey is an archivist, secretary, and a poet. Her poetry has appeared in places such as Aoife's Kiss, The Poet's Pen, Superior Christian News, Beyond Centauri, Lyrica, Sybil's Garage, and The Beltane Papers, among others. Her latest book of poetry, Songs Of A Sorceress, can now be seen at Amazon.com.

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