Aphelion Flash Challenge Index
The links to the Flash Challenge stories were corrupted in the Great Bot Plague of 2021. We are currently rebuilding the archives, but it
is taking a while. Please bear with us. The links below have been updated up until February 2013.
Nate Kailhofer's Original index pages (all praise his name!) can be found at Index One and Index Two. Even in those, the links are iffy, but you can scroll
through the pages and find the texts.
Below you will find two indices of the flash challenges: one listed by author, and the other by month. If the story title does not show up as a hyperlink, this is because I have not yet had the time to build the html file for that month. You will be able to track progress in the rebuild by the progress of active links down the index by month.
Index by Author
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Index by Month
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