Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
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Tom Darby Stories Archive

Some of these stories will soon be removed for publication.
They are already substantially different from the versions which will see print.

There Was Once A Disposable Man...
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story
"I was never good at much of anything beyond surviving. But I was damned good at that!"

On The Wings Of An Angel
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story
"The unvarnished truth is usually highly edited, and therefore boring... "

Catch A Falling Starfighter
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story
"Ever hear of a 'fate worse than death?' Welcome to the big leagues, kid..."

Performance Anxiety
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story
"Why do I always get missions that are going to blow up in my face?"

Coming Soon
A Disposable Man

by Dan L. Hollifield
The Tom Darby Adventures
Volume 1


by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Adventure
Volume 2
"I must have gotten the old Harley up to seventy or thereabouts when I hit the flying saucer..."
Now Available On Amazon In E-Book And Print


The Orion Affair
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story From The Nightwatch Archives
"Once more, into the breach? Old spies never really get to retire... "

Absent Friends
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story From The Nightwatch Archives
"No Simon. I just prepared for the worst. Now listen close... "

Back In The Saddle Again
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you...

Best Served Cold
by Dan L. Hollifield
A Tom Darby Story From The Nightwatch Archives
"You know what they say about revenge..."