by Stephanie Smith
Staring out at the awesome void
I wonder what wretched sea is this
that I should drown so deeply in,
that holds me in its ancient tentacles?
Can I breathe within the blackness
of this abominable abyss?
Can I swim with leviathans
that have never been seen by the eyes of Man?
Glorious waves crash over me
Instead of drowning, I get washed ashore
on the beach of some foreign land
An island as queer as the beasts beneath
It is on the backs of such giants
that I make my home
It is on the edge of a dream
that I dare to exist
© 2025 Stephanie Smith
Stephanie is a poet and writer from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in such publications as THE HORROR ZINE, CARNAGE HOUSE, RAVEN CAGE, THE LITERARY HATCHET, and ILLUMEN.
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