Never Purchase a Preowned Crystal Ball
by S. T. Eleu
and never, ever one
from an ex
from my mistake
and you will not suffer the pratfalls I have
you see
post breakup
I was looking for a better way
to weed out the chaff and murine waste
from the typical dating pool
so as to make the whole process more efficient
and way less trial and
after all, there's only so many times
you can go out with giddy anticipation
then return home with
but dejection, disillusion and drugs
you have to take for two damn weeks
without missing a dose
or else
and that's not taking into account
the dates I had to abandon
before appetizers were served
before menus were presented
the field mouse called his mother more than once
the megalosaurus had to insist he wasn't a bigot more than twice
the boar made a pass at the server more than thrice
times twice
and, after taking my hand and looking deep into my eyes
the silver fox crooned
you're not my usual type
and once you turn 30
I'll have to put you to pasture
then drive away to find someone
but tonight, in my sick tight truck
I'm so down to, like, righteously
do you
apologies for this protracted anecdotal detour
but I felt I had to offer an excuse
no matter how derisory
as to why I violated the very advice
I now offer
no matter the throws of despair
in which you find yourself
never approach your ex
then ask to buy or borrow
his crystal ball
as high priestess of this community's coven
as my most honored witness
you WILL regret it
* * *
crystal balls carry powers of spirits
who last moved among us during the time of our
that fateful day
when one of our kind knelt down
to drink from a secluded river
and saw something more than
their reflection|noitcelfer rieht
staring back at, deep into
their aura
and though those spirits have long since left our realm
it was learned they can be conjured
for a price, penance, pancreatic parenchyma, or
purple carrot
via enchanted crystalline spheres
but unbeknownst to most, once a sphere activates
it imprints upon the heritor
first gazes into it
first communes with the Ancient One
first sacrifices a fifth of their soul
binds all subsequent diviners
not only to the wills of every previous seer
but also to the overarching will of the Ancient One
if that first heritor is
someone as thoroughly dense as my ex
or, if my ex is the fool bound to a bitter occultist
via a crystal ball he stole from that occultist's shop
or, if the Ancient One is none other than
- an ass of an orbal spook, if ever there was -
you can see why I warn you
as I do
enough with the rolled eyes and exaggerated sighs
no matter what you think of me
neither discount nor discard my advice
for it will spare you from doing
what I'm obliged to take leave of you
and now do
drive the occultist and her cats to the air-port
help my ex move all my favorite former things
into his new home with his newest of newbies love
go to my final 6-hour back tattoo session
(Scortor on a surf board upon a wave of flames)
do all of the above while dressed in Jets gear
and all because
I was the fool who woke up one day
and decided the best way to deal
with a bad breakup was to
purchase a preowned crystal ball
© 2025 S. T. Eleu.
Raised in Vegas then exiled to Chicago, S. T. Eleu has been a musician, teacher, and consummate Vulcan. Autism is their default
universe, and though sparsely populated, is a glorious place to escape to, write in, and display an impressive collection of action
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