Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
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The Infernal Machine

by Gary William Crawford

The computer will be
the death of me.
It distorts my mind,
make me yearn
for unearthly pleasures.
Am I such a mystic
as it wants to make of me?
It drains my blood--
All but my mind is left.
I am a ghost,
a victim of technology
to haunt those I love
through their machines.

© 2004 Gary William Crawford

Gary Crawford is the author of two books of poetry, Poems of the Divided Self and In Shadow Lands, and the short story collection Gothic Fevers. I have published works of literary scholarship and criticism, such as Ramsey Campbell, J. Sheridan Le Fanu: A Bio-Bibliography, and Robert Aickman: An Introduction. He is also the founder and editor of Gothic Press (http://www.gothicpress.com/.)

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