Aphelion Issue 303, Volume 29
March 2025--
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The Last March of Gondor

by Rob Wynne and Larissa March

To the Tune of "Least of My Kind" by Cat Faber

Armored in in battle mail,
Swearing we shall not fail,
Cursing, we ride to Mordor's Door.
Men, elves and dwarves unite
Facing the Shadow's might
Here is a challenge he can't ignore!

Well spent the battle cost
All hope is not yet lost
Frodo still carries the ring
You have not fought in vain
When you march forth again
You shall be led by your king.

We fought and did not yield
Pelennor's battlefield
Now we approach the Dark Lord's gate
Sauron we will defy
Hoping to draw his eye
Far from the one who'll decide our fate

Well spent the battle cost
All hope is not yet lost
Frodo still carries the ring
You have not fought in vain
When you march forth again
You shall be led by your king.

One day may tell the tale
Courage of men shall fail
That will not be this day, I swear
Look on me now, Dark Lord
Reforged, the broken sword
Thought you that Isildur had no heir?

Well spent the battle cost
All hope is not yet lost
Frodo still carries the ring
You have not fought in vain
When you march forth again
You shall be led by your king.

© 2004 Robert Wynne and Larissa March

Rob's homepage: www.autographedcat.com. I was going to add a bio, but after reading this, I thought better of it.

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