Index of My Stories
By Dan L. Hollifield
This will be updated infrequently.
Last update: 10/19/08
This page is still under construction. And it
will be for a
long, long time. The stories are listed roughly in publication order.
Down below the story links are links to MIDI and mp3 music files of my
original compositions. This
page is becoming the replacement to my old personal homepage VIA
mutating from its original form of just a page of annotated links to my
fiction. The content will be added to without warning and haphazardly
re-edited as my mood strikes.
I was born in 1957- at almost the same moment
Sputnik II was launched by the Russians. My Father has been a
machinist since 1955 and can make anything that anyone can draw
blueprints of. He was trained my GM, has worked for Union Carbide in
the Bull Run Steam Plant near Knoxville, TN. and in the University of
Georgia Instrument Shop. He constructed machinery for the experiments
research scientists in the UGA Physics building. At the same time, he
was also a farmer for several decades. Presently he is nearing
retirement, working in a local machine shop that makes parts for the
aerospace industry. My Mother has been an artist since her childhood in
the '30s & '40s, is presently retired from working in a bank,
starting off as a computer operator & part-time teller and
eventually to retire as head of the Mortgage Lending department. She
teaches arts and crafts to groups of local ladies as a hobby. My folks
grew up during the Depression and I have learned vast amounts of
do-it-yourself lore from both sides of the family. I have inherited my
creative abilities from both sides of my family and so have at various
times been a painter, inventor, musician, writer, farmer, auto
mechanic, architect, bricklayer, lumberjack, landscaper, carpenter,
roofer, plumber, e-zine Assistant Editor, e-zine Editor, e-zine
Publisher, graphic artist, SCA member, book reviewer, music reviewer,
film & TV reviewer, mIRC script programmer, photographer,
cartoonist, hunter, fisherman, trapper, irate taxpayer, and am
politically a Libertarian. This makes me seem rather odd to my
neighbors and the people I work with at the factory. I work for
Certain-Teed in their Athens, Ga. fiberglass insulation plant, running
a machine that squishes down enough fiberglass insulation to fill a
wall of your house 'til it'll fit into a 12x24x48 inch
plastic bag. It pays the bills and gives me four days off each week, so
I do get time to write SF stories for the e-zine I run.
I write stories because I have
to. That's the
same reason I do an oil painting, or design the articulation of the
joints of a suit
of armor, or compose a piece of music, or draw a cartoon, or lay out a
flowerbed bordered by a stone circle aligned with the spring equinox.
Stuff comes to me and I make it. I have to, otherwise I'd go nuts. I'm
a random concept generator cross-wired with a compulsive/creative
disorder. I am also dyslexic- so math and spelling is difficult for me
because the
numbers or letters I see aren't necessarily the right ones - or in the
correct order. I
usually carry a calculator as a math co-processor, and even then I have
to double-check the numbers I type in. Furthermore, I seem to suffer
from some sort of fear of crowds. I dunno. I can't afford to see a
Pshrink just to find out the names of stuff I already know I suffer
from. (shrug, grin) Who cares? As long as I'm functional
no one
should notice. I mean, its not like creativity is something that shows
up- like a suntan or pimple -I just dream things up. I don't think its
very important that I hate to go shopping, or drive during rush hour,
or visit big cities, or go to theaters. Its just something I have to
cope with.
There are still things that I'd like to learn.
like to do some blacksmithing. Specifically, I'd like to do some
sword smithing. I already have the obligatory healed-up broken leg.
(Anyone who
doesn't get that joke should read up on the mythology concerning
blacksmiths and the traditional gods of the forge. Only then will that
be funny.) There are Blacksmiths in my father's family. Its in the
blood, so to speak. (Oh great. Now I've got the vampire crowd drooling.
Sorry, simmer down. I didn't mean anything by it.) I'd also like to
learn a few new languages, since I only speak American, Southern,
Hillbilly, Redneck, and Restaurant Mexican. (Sure, I can order a meal,
but I can't ask where the restroom is!) Spanish seem to be becoming
necessary in my location. As are more oriental languages than I can
count, along with French, German, Italian, and Russian. (And you
thought that the
southern US was some backward, inbred, seedy Hicksville? Well, just
like any other area of the US, it can be in some rural places. I live
near Athens, Georgia. One of the hubs of the modern music scene, home
of R.E.M. and the B-52s, home of a college almost as old as the US
itself: the University of Georgia. Oliver Hardy went to school there. I
went to the same grade school that De Forest Kelly attended when he was
a child, except that he was there about 20 years earlier than I.)
All the stuff below can be considered
annotations of
some of my work in writing and music. There are also links at the
bottom of this page that will lead you to other things I do for fun.
Writing Process An article on the way I create my fiction, as
well as proofread and revise it for publication.
Here are all of my stories to appear on the web
so far... Some of the links are repeated further down this page when a
story chapter has been listed here in a earlier form. I have included
some notes on the entries where I could. Think of this webpage as my
annotated bibliography, if you would. There are now music and hobby
links further down the page as I continue to expand this into more of a
Personal Webpage. There are also links to my artwork, both computer
generated and by hand.
- Canned
** A horror story. Appeared first in Dragon's
Lair Webzine. This is the first story of mine that was ever
published online.
- An
Introduction to Bethdish **For those readers new to my work.
- At
the Spaceport Bar: The Mare Inebrium ** One night at a bar
in a Spaceport Town.
"Time travel makes some people nervous." The D'rrish Ambassador relates
a tale and one listener is petrified.
- The
Absent-minded shall inherit... **The second Mare Inebrium
"Just what did Professor Camforrt leave in the Mare
Inebrium's lost-and-found?"
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 1 **The first four chapters of one of
the oldest novel that I'm working on.
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 2 **The second four chapters of that
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 3 **More chapters of that novel.
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 4 **Another chapter.
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 5 **Another thrilling installment.
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 6 **Yet another thrilling installment.
- The
Threat of Valleor Part 7 **Yet another thrilling installment.
- The
Threat of Valleor **The work in progress as a complete
This is the big one! My first attempt at a novel... ever. Story
development began during a snowed-in weekend that had started off as a
simple one-night party, and ended up with everyone having "cabin fever"
four days later. Sometime during the weekend we had watched some TV and
I made the mistake of disparaging the writing of some cheap, made for
TV, fantasy movie called "Hawk, the Slayer".
Oh, I thought the costumes were hokey, the swords looked awkward to use
so the fight scenes looked bad, and someone had written Jack Palance
some really carpet-chewing, foaming-at-the-mouth dialog as the villain.
It was a waste of his talent. So I griped out loud through the whole
Then one of the other folks got fed up with
me. "Let's see you write any better," she said. "Put up or shut up."
So I began the path you now see me upon-
because of a snowstorm, a bad movie, and my big mouth.
So- Christie? I know I haven't seen you in
years now, 'cause that
snowstorm was decades ago, but what do you think of the writing so far?
I hope I'm headed in the right direction. (grin!)
- Saucerful
of Secrets ** Part 1 of the adventures of Douglas Simon
- Saucerful
of Secrets ** Part 2 of the adventures of Douglas Simon
- Saucerful
of Secrets ** Part 3 of the adventures of Douglas Simon
- Saucerful
of Secrets ** The adventures of Douglas Simon Daily as one
file. "Saucerful..."
is the first novelette that I wrote, and the first story I offered for
sale to the Pro- magazines. It still gets rejection slips from time to
time. There are other episodes of this Detective's cases in the works.
I figure if I finish the two I'm working on and add a third, the four
D-Day stories will make a nice novel. There are roughly ten stories in
my outline for this series- One day I'll get them all done. Some of the
other titles in the series that I have outlines for are Money,
Sunburst Finish, and Shake
Some Action.
- Windows
Into Hell
This is a Flash Fiction story featuring D-Day over in the Aphelion
Forums, in the Fun & Games section. However, I've uploaded a
HTML copy of the story here. If I wanted to be totally accurate, this
story would be linked in much further down this page. It was written
during November of 2007, while I was recovering from injuries received
in an automobile accident the month before.
- Her
Majestys Gift
This is a Flash Fiction story over in the Aphelion
Forums, in the Fun & Games section. However, I've uploaded a
HTML copy of the story here. If I wanted to be totally accurate, this
story would be linked in much further down this page. It was written
as an example story for the June 2009 flash fiction contest. One day I
might expand it a little, but only if I can think of some more good
- Abducted
Part 1 **A close encounter that you won't soon forget!
- Abducted
Part 2 **Another abduction as the adventure continues!
- Abducted
Part 3 **The rescue of Sarah K begins.
- Abducted
Part 4 **The villains are revealed.
- Abducted
Part 5 **Confrontation and counter-plot.
- Abducted
Part 6 **Sarah is rescued and Tom faces a drastic change!
- Abducted!
**The complete story as one file.
"Abducted!" is one of my favorite
stories! It
was so much fun to
write! This is the first time I deliberately followed the standard
adventure-story format. I took a Joe-Average character, made him the
narrator, yanked him far away from home, and dropped him into danger,
mystery, and adventure. I'm currently adding to this story in hopes of
selling it as a novel. Since I wrote it as a serial and had to meet
deadlines with each chapter, some neat ideas and scenes never got
written as anything but notes and outlines. I want to put those in, to
complete the story as I envisioned it. This one has become a chapter in
a novel I want to finish. The adventures of Tom Darby just won't leave
me alone. I figure that if I write two new tales the same length as
this one, then re-write another one that I wrote for Jeff Williams in
his "Nightwatch" series, I'll have enough wordage for a novel.
- Grudge
Match ** Appeared in Issue 4 of Titan Webzine.
This is a story featuring my android Maxwell and the Bolo Havoc. It's
really short, just a scene of the two machines having fun. Sort of
fan-fic-ish because the Bolo concept is owned by Keith Laumer's estate.
- How
did I Get Myself Into This?
**What happens when you take bad advice from a friend. This one grew
out of a nightmare I had back when I spent lots of time playing
computer games.
- Dreamer
Part 1 **Daydreams and Magic.
- Dreamer
Part 2 **Joel and Tommy ask Merlin for proof... and get it!
- Dreamer
Part 3 **The boys go hunting... or are they the hunted?
- Dreamer
Part 4 **The boys go to Arcadia.
- Dreamer
Part 5 **The battle for Arcadia and a homecoming for Tommy
and Joel.
- Dreamer
**The complete story.
This is a fantasy story, written as a serial for Dragon's
Lair Webzine.
Something went way wrong with this one while it was in progress! I
started off with an outline- An established beginning, middle, and end
plotted out and ready. But I stumbled while writing the parts between
the beginning and the middle, and again when I tried for the middle to
end section. The characters were taking over the story. They didn't
show any interest in following the outline I had laid out for them. In
short: I lost it somewhere. I finally decided to end the series before
it bled to death all over me. That hurt, I'd never given up on a story
as hopeless before. Sure, I've got some in the files that never got
very far, but for me, this one will always be "the one that got away".
Maybe one day I'll fix it.
- Stranded!
Part 1 **Castaways join forces with natives on Bethdish.
- Stranded!
Part 2 **The arrival of the Reever at the battlefield.
- Stranded!
Part 3 **Confrontation between the Raiders and the Reever.
- Stranded!
Part 4 **A new force enters the situation.
- Stranded!
Part 6 **UPDATED 9/29/98** The latest chapter of the work in
progress. I'll update this each time I get more done.
- Stranded!
**UPDATED 11/5/99**
The complete story to date- a preview of the work in progress. Its more
or less the first half of a divided story- Related and contiguous, but
with different narrators and themes. I'll update this each time I get
more done, though I don't get to work on it often. I have added lots of
pics to illustrate it. Some of them are even good. (grin)
This one was running in "Dragon's Lair" when it
shut down.
I never thought I'd have an excuse to finish it, but the strangest
thing happened... Fan mail. Someone noticed a little detail about one
of the minor characters, e-mailed me to confirm it, and asked for more
of the story. Simple enough? Sure, but now I get to write more of this
story- and add more historical detail to my little planet than I was
intending to do when I first outlined the tale. The changes in this
minor character are major points in a later story- one that takes place
near the end of my timeline for the planet Bethdish.
Stay tuned!
- Sins
of the Fathers **My third Mare Inebrium story.
"Nice work, if you can get it." Concerning the ethics of medical
intervention by an advanced civilization. (This tale also serves as a
set-up for a later story. A murder mystery, set on Bethdish, using the
Reever as the detective/hero.)
- Brother,
Can You Spare A Crime? **My fourth Mare Inebrium story.
"One Rupert P. Coltrane, late of Chicago, USA, Earth, 1935 AD, had
expired five times, from five different weapons, on the floorboards of
the Mare Inebrium. Perpetrator? Person or persons unknown, as yet. Mr.
Coltrane seemed destined to die at the Mare Inebrium- and he was going
to get it right if it killed him!"
- A
Study in Alizarin Crimson My fifth Mare Inebrium story. This
one has reached 43000 words and features Holmes and Watson.
"Holmes and Watson investigate the strange behavior of a mysterious
researcher in the British Museum only to find themselves pawns in a
duel between rival art thieves. Holmes traces the rivals into the Mare
Inebrium where the best laid plans of aliens and men often get warped
out of recognition."
- I did extensive reading of Holmes stories
prior to writing this
one, because I new that the characterization had to be right. There are
elements borrowed not only from Doyle, but twenty five or more of his
"ghostwriters", so to speak. There are also touches of the movie and TV
Sherlocks that I've seen over the years. I tried to distill all that
down into a Holmes and Watson that were true to the way Doyle wrote
them, older, wiser, a bit mellower perhaps... Then I threw them off the
deep end. That said, this story also serves to tie my Mare Inebrium
stories to my Collector stories-- thus, it is a three-way crossover
just in the main plot. The additional references in the Mare scenes
would put it over a dozen; stretching from comics, to novels, to TV
& movies, to real life. I won't reveal them here-- that's not
reason for this page. I'll make a page of Mare references if necessary,
but I hope you don't ask me to 'cause it'd take forever.
- Came
the Dawn My sixth Mare Inebrium story.
- Assassins are at large in City of Lights,
a pirate fleet looms on
the horizon, and out in the belt 8 stolen space-tugs just might be
attempting to make ICBMs out of asteroids. Meanwhile, back at the Mare
Inebrium-- The Reever and Tarja have formed an uneasy alliance...
- This is another novella. The first story I
post-9/11. It was already well underway at the time of the disaster,
and became very hard to work on for a long time. I finally ironed
everything out and finished it. There is an awful lot of Bethdish
history related in this one. I wanted to lay it out for the other Mare
Inebrium writers because people were starting to contradict my timeline
and series bible just a little. It seemed to be a good idea at the time.
- Redshift
Sue Sings the Blues My seventh Mare Inebrium story.
- I liked this title so much I had to write
a story to go with it. I
had created the title a long while ago and posted it on the Mare
Inebrium Starter Kit page. After a couple of years, I found a story
coming together from an old poem I had written while in college, the
title that had been gathering dust, and a daydream I recently had about
a woman singing on a stage.
- The poem was inspired by both the novel
"Phantom of the
Opera" and the movie "Phantom of the Paradise" back when I was a
college freshman at UGA, 1976 to '78. I spent a lot of my college days
in the Library, reading everything I could. Meanwhile, at home I was
still doing farm work, and the endless boredom of driving a tractor
around in a field gave me plenty of time to indulge in musical
daydreaming. I wrote it down and stashed it. Later on I had to re-write
the poem from scratch, not once, but several times over the last couple
of decades. I kept wanting to use it as a song lyric, and hoped that
day I'd be musician enough to write the song the way I heard it in my
imagination. In this story, I've given the best verbal description of
what the song sounds like in my mind that one could hope for. I still
hope to produce the song itself in the future.
- The title demanded a story be written
around it, so I started
plotting a Mare Inebrium story. Memory of the song lyric surfaced, and
I recreated the poem once again. Which prompted the daydream about the
woman singing, which wound up being used to fit the song into the
story. The only thing I needed now was a plot. I asked a friend to read
the rough draft and suggest which of the three different directions I
had plotted would make the best story. He suggested the same one I
happened to like best, unknown to him, so that's the way the plot went.
This is the first story that I felt it necessary to not
give a happy ending.
- Now I can get started on "Immortality
since I've been wanting to get to that one for years now. Its the
Reever story that was set up in my third Mare Inebrium story. The
Reever tracks a serial killer in City of Lights. A killer that preys
upon the Immortals of Bethdish.
- Nightwatch:
The Orion Affair
My first Nightwatch story to appear. Actually the second that I
started, but the first one finished and uploaded to Aphelion.
Nightwatch belongs to Jeff Williams. I'm just guest-writing a couple of
the stories. My next one was put online in the Summer/Fall of '05.
- Nightwatch:
Fly By Wire
My second Nightwatch story to appear. Actually the first that I
started, but the second one finished and uploaded to Aphelion.
Nightwatch belongs to Jeff Williams. I'm just guest-writing a couple of
the stories. My next one could happen in the summer of '06.
- Mare
Inebrium A filksong.
- Louwe
Louwe A filksong based on Larry Niven's "Ringworld" series.
- The
Immigrant **A newcomer to New York looks for a job.
- This one was written expressly for The
Writer's Club website and IRC chatroom. I had
promised Jillian a story, and after a long while I delivered it. It's
short, humorous, and fun- I enjoyed myself a lot while writing this one.
- How
can you help a Little Blue Man? Jim Parnell and I join forces
on a poem.
- Star
Sailor A lyric for one of Jim's songs, by he and I.
- One
World, One People An anti-war song.
The Bethdish stories to date, in objective
chronological order are:
- Stranded!
- Abducted!
- The Threat of Valleor
- Grudge Match
- The Mare Inebrium - Spaceport Bar
Some future Bethdish stories that I already have
outlined will be called:
- Sidestep
is the first John Stewart Sebastian-narrated
Mare Inebrium story. A
proposed collaboration between myself and another frequent Mare writer.
- The Return of Tom Darby
That's only the working title.
is the sequel to Abducted
and features Tom's eventual return to the Collector's museum.
- The Relics of Cerach-Nerlin
is a Collector story featuring Kitty West,
an archeology dig on an alien planet, and a crew of tomb-raiding
- Strike from Space
is the tale of the coming of the Scourge and
the destruction of the Altiplano Spaceport.
- The Siege of Elko Daf
is the story of the last days of the giant
battle suits.
- The Long Swim
is the story of the prison of Membeth.
- The Dust of Ages Past
Is the tale of how the city of Nesastor was
cursed to become the Great Blight.
- Betrayal by Night
-Alternate title: "Whispers in the Night"
tells how Valleor regained some of his
former powers.
- The Floating City and the Home of
the Gods
basically just archeology and history. I'm not going to write this one
until I get a secondary plot line that makes it worth reading.
- The Flight of the "Lucky Leonard"
is a Collector story wherein the Collector
is attacked by Valleor.
- Immortality Factor
Alternate title: "The Blood is the
This is a Reever story, a mystery of sorts that was set up in my third
Mare Inebrium story. The Reever tracks a serial killer in City of
Lights. A killer that preys upon the Immortals of Bethdish.
- Journey to the Center of the World
is a Collector story near the end of my
Bethdish histories.
- Her Majesty's Secret Service
is a Mare Inebrium story centering on
Blanche, Hnarcor, and John Stewart Sebastian.
- Live Free or Die!
is the story of one small Duchy on Bethdish-
the first to adopt a representative form of government.
- From the Depths of History
is the return of the Planet Killer, the
machine that destroyed the Altiplano Spaceport in early Bethdish.
- The Last War
is the final tale of the Black Snake and
Valleor in their attempt to conquer Bethdish and enslave the natives.
- Last Call
is the final tale of the Mare Inebrium. The
universe ends after this one.
I can't give you any sort of date to expect these to be ready. Some of
them are already in progress, some are fully outlined and ready to
begin, and some are mere footnotes waiting for more work. Its likely
that I'll come up with even more ideas that will need to be written
before these ever see publication. I write what comes to me and bounce
around from story to story however the mood takes me.
- A
Timeline of Bethdish, home of the
Collector's Museum, the Reever, and the Mare Inebrium bar. This started
off as a strip of graph paper almost twelve feet long, studded with
post-it notepaper. Each post-it note had a story idea or historical
footnote that I wanted to remember. The graph paper was numbered along
the top edge with the calendar that I had decided on for the planet.
The dates run from Pre-historical myths and legends, to the start of
the newest calendar, to eleven thousand years later. In the first rush
of my post-Tandy computing, I copied it all into this file- which kept
being added to and updated whenever I came up with a new idea. Last
time I changed it, I wound up moving some of the Mare Inebrium stories
further down the timeline. I may have to move a couple of them back.
The timeline will always be a work in progress.
- A
large map of Bethdish Yet another work in progress. 1270 x
980 pixels. Not all the place name labels are finished.
- Leaping in
on a Bad Day A Quantum
Leap Fanfic story- from the leapee's POV. Yes, I stoop to Fanfic when I
have a good enough idea. I wrote this when I wondered what Sam's leaps
looked like to the person who's life is about to get fixed back up.
What did they do to screw it up in the first place?
- Beloq
and the Trespassers **Chapter 2 of Threat of Valleor
-More of this novel is linked to above. This is the first part I
salvaged from a mass of printouts left over from the days when a Tandy
Color Computer III was the state of the art in modern computing.
- Intervention
**Chapter 17 of Threat of Valleor -More of this
novel is linked to above. This chapter is the first part of 'Threat..."
that I ever let anyone read as a printout. These are really old formats
for web pages... You were warned!
Sounds for you
Unless I tell you the truth, if you listen to
MIDI compositions you may wind up thinking I'm a better musician than I
really am. I didn't play these into the computer, they weren't
performed. Neither did I hunt and peck them into a simple repeating
sequencer loop. No, I did it the old fashioned way of writing it down
as sheet music note by note (with a mouse, true) and making corrections
the same way. I heard the music in my head and did the best I could to
reproduce it. I never thought I would retain so much of school music
lessons. Most of the MIDI music I've written sounds vaguely classical,
probably because of my school lessons. MusicTime is a great program if
you are more comfortable with sheet music format. I do (and did at the
time) have a MIDI keyboard hooked up, I just chose not to use it in
order to learn the program better. Besides, I'm a lousy keyboard
Now the MP3 files are a different story. They
indeed live performances of some very talented, but raw young
musicians. Recorded in the late '70s and the early '80s, they were
originally on reel-to-reel tape and endless stacks of cassette tapes.
They sound OK if
you take into account how long ago they were recorded and the antique
equipment we used.
Let's see, time for a quick musical bio: 9 years
public school band lessons starting in the 4th grade. 9 on Trumpet and
3 doubling on French Horn. 7 years in various garage bands playing
Bass, Pitiful Rhythm Guitar, Digital and Analog Synths,tape loops,
distortion boxes, I also ran the 12 channel mixing board and the
different tape recorders while playing at the same time. Then 12 years
(as of 2007) messing around with music programs on my computer. Enough
about me though, by now you want to hear something.
MIDI files:
- Road
Trip Original
composition. Written as sheet music. It sounds to me like the
soundtrack for driving down from the mountains on an open freeway, and
then into the city where you have to slow down.
- Lisbet
composition. Written as sheet music. This one always reminded me of the
SCA persona of an old friend of mine, so I named it after her.
- Tubular
Stars Original
composition. Written as sheet music. This one was a study in how to
integrate two vastly different synth voices on one piece of sheet
- Harpsichord
Original composition. Written as sheet
music. Lurch Jams Out!
- Etheria
composition. Written as sheet music. This one was supposed to evoke a
sense of the mysterious and the winds of probability blowing across the
astral plane.
- Spring
Dawn Original composition. Written as sheet music. Good
morning to you!
- Only
A Violet
Arrangement of classic 1880's Music Hall music for the Casebook: Jack
the Ripper website. Written from existing period sheet music.
- Who
Killed Cock Robin Arrangement of classic 1880's Music Hall
music for the Casebook: JTR website. Written from existing period sheet
MP3s: Live music on real instruments. WARNING:
These are really big files.

- Winter
Solstice Okay,
this one is actually me using a step-mode sequencer to take advantage
of having a two-instrument voice programed into the synth. I tweaked
all the voices in the synth as soon as I got it home from the store.
Sometimes I made new voices, too.
- Highland
Lament Me playing keyboards-- live and alone. I'm so
glad there was a tape recorder running when this song happened! Part of
the distortion you hear in the recording is the snare drum rattling in
the background.
- An
accidentally Hawkwind-sounding jam
built from a mutated bass line for one of my own songs. The final
sounded like the Hawkwind song "Silver Machine" although we weren't
trying to make it do that. This is from the Sweet Revenge break-up
phase, when I was still working with their bassist/guitarist for a
while. Myself on Bass, David Hale on Guitar this time out. The drums
are a Korg drum machine made in the early 1980s. There are no
amplifiers or speakers being used in this recording. The instruments
were plugged into different effects boxes, and straight into a mixing
board and from there to a tape deck. We were wearing headphones, to
keep the neighbors from complaining about the noise. We had done an
earlier take, which was much shorter, and I asked David to crank up the
swoopy effect of his fingers sliding across the strings. It was just
accident that we got this track sounding the way it does. Luck is
- The
composed by Jim Parnell. Jim on guitar, myself on bass. This was one of
my favorite pieces of Jim's early work. Even before I began to learn
bass, I heard Jim composing this one. When we first began to play
together, this is one of the pieces that Jim taught to me. This
recording is a rare copy of one of our later (years later) jam sessions
that still included the Theme. In case you wondered, I named it that
because of it sounded like it should be the theme to something. If Jim
ever decides on a name for it, I'll update the title.
- Kenny's
Song -- by Sweet Revenge --
composed by Kenny Stinchcomb. Kenny on guitar, David Hale on bass, Roy
Whitehead on drums, myself on keyboards. Kenny wanted to do something
with a riff that he'd made up. We worked at it for about half an hour,
then tried it out. This is what the song sounded like on the second
take. The first take was only a few seconds long and ended abruptly.
(Sweet Revenge is a bittersweet memory for me. On the one hand, we made
lots of great music, on the other hand, being young and stupid caused
us to argue with each other a lot. We wound up fragmenting, breaking
up. I worked with one or two of the guys again, but that finally died
off as well.) This song shows off just how bad a keyboard player I
really was/am. I had only owned the synth for about three months at
- David's
Song -- by Sweet Revenge --
composed by David Hale. Kenny Stinchcomb on guitar, David Hale on bass,
Roy Whitehead on drums, myself on keyboards again. David wanted to do
something with an old riff that he'd made up, too. He, Kenny, and Roy
had played this song once or twice before, but this was the first time
that I'd ever heard it. David and Roy were arguing
about how to
start off and when David should signal that the intro was over, when I
started the tape rolling. The rest is history. This was the first and
only take of this song. We went really weird in the middle of the jam
and recovered it with difficulty. We called it a" bridge" later, when
we listened to the tape, but "we were really drunk at the time." This
is improvised music, in the extreme in my case. This is another song
that shows off just how bad a keyboard player I really was/am.
- Lay
it on the Line -- Solo Version--
composed by Jim Parnell and myself. This version features myself as the
only musician. I programmed the drum machine track, played bass,
rhythm, and lead guitars. This track is a composite of several
overdubs. Myself on bass & the drum machine, myself on rhythm
guitar, and finally myself on lead guitar. What sounds like synth
effects is actually the different distortion boxes used on each guitar
part. Jim and I do a much better version of this
song, but this
is the result of me exploring it on my own. Jim had moved away by this
time and I had not yet met the guys from "Sweet Revenge"-- who would
take my musical education in an entirely new direction.
- Lets
Get Acquainted Jam
This is from a jam session that happened one night at my apartment. Jim
asked a semi-pro local drummer to sit in with he and I for an evening's
jam session (June 22nd,
1983). The drummer's name is
Richard, though I never caught his last name. He's awfully good. He set
up his drum kit and started warming up. After a few minutes, I joined
in on bass, then a minute or so later, Jim comes in on lead guitar. It
was a musician's sort of "getting to know you" moment. There are five
or so other tracks in the vaults from that night. I'd have to call the
evening a much-needed learning experience. Jim and I had not been using
drummers or even a drum machine at that time. Jim's songs often contain
complex time changes that are difficult for anyone to precog while
jamming on them for the first time. Richard showed exceptional ability
to adapt on the fly, as it were.
- The
Eye in the Pyramid This is from that same June 22nd,
1983 jam. This song was an odd one. One of Jim's compositions wound up
finally inspiring a set of lyrics by me. The result was a more
formalized jam, it's limits set by the lyrics. Once more, Richard rises
to the occasion on drums. Jim Parnell on guitar, myself on bass. I
don't think that the lyrics have been HTMLed and posted in Aphelion in
the Poetry section. I'll try and dig them out and post them sometime.

I have six music CDs worth of the old garage
stuff. It spans five different groupings of local musicians and myself,
as well as several "special" one of a kind jam sessions. I'm going to
include as much of the best stuff here as I can, but web space is
expensive. I'd like to add more mp3s, but as small as they are, they're
still huge. Maybe later I can add more.
In case you wondered, the MTSQ in the MIDI
filenames stands for MusicTime
'cause it was easier to number than to name them. I felt quite like a
classical composer, but wasn't about to call a learning exercise an
And JTR stands for Jack the Ripper. The Ripper
Mystery is one
of those haunting real-life cases that draw inquisitive minds like
moths to the flame. I've been lucky enough to have been of some
assistance to the Casebook: Jack the Ripper website off and on since
the mid '90s. I scanned and sized dozens of JTR related photos for the
website, moderated the chatroom, and did MIDI arrangements of Victorian
Music Hall songs having to do with the Ripper case. Casebook: Jack the Ripper is
the URL for that website. As it happens, I wound up meeting my wife
Lindsey in the JTR Chatroom. We wound up having been friends in the
chatroom for over five years before we developed a romantic interest in
one another.
Old pages that aren't updated often.
Vila My house and yard.
Toys My different vehicles.
Laumer's Bolo A webpage dedicated to the works of Keith
Artwork A page of my cut & paste artwork.
Paintings A page of my oil paintings, watercolors, pencil
drawings, fabric paintings, etc.
Musings:My original Cartoon Page. Not updated in a long time.
Pages that have yet to go online.
My weapons collections: The
Casa Vila Armory
Links to websites I frequent. Different from
the Aphelion links page.
E-mail me at vila@america.net