Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
Contact Us
Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page
P&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top TenP&E Top Ten

Hello and welcome to the December 2022 / January 2023 issue of Aphelion!

Here, we have our regular supply of outstanding original stories for the final issue of our 25th year of continuous publication Thank you all for helping keep is going through the past quarter-century! The next new issue you will see after this will be February of 2023.

As you can see from the awards banner above, it will soon be time for another Preditors & Editors annual Readers' Poll. Once the poll opens, anyone will be able to nominate and vote for their favorites in all the many catagories. Please feel free to nominate Aphelion and our writers for any awards you see fit. The more, the merrier! 

Winter is drawing in, here in the Southeastern US--the winds are picking up, cold fronts are sweeping down from the North, and the Holidays have begun. The stores have been stocking Christmas decorations since October. Seasonal music is now blaring from speakers in almost every store. My wife has begun opening little doors on her Advent calendar. We have a little tree up and lit. The dog doesn't know what to destroy first, LOL!

I am eagerly awaiting my turn in the queue at my publisher for the release of three books. The Tom Darby prequel, Fly By Wire, and the rerelease of the first Mare Inebrium volume of my short stories. A second volume of those are in the works even now. I've also started piecing together the stories by other writers in the shared universe for their own first anthology! I hope that more writers in the Mare Inebrium shared universe will contact me to give permission to use even more of their stories. Imagine how much fun that will be!

The online streaming shows "Stupid O'clock" and "Last Man Standing" have been uploaded live to YouTube as well as several Facebook pages for almost two years now. They are basically live-streaming chat shows covering a range of topics, modeled on the types of conversations people have after hours at SF&F conventions. Joe McKeel and I have archives of past shows on our own YouTube channels. Check 'em out if that sounds like something you'd enjoy I've put links in our Features section that will take you to the YouTube archives of both shows.

With all that said, it's high time I shut up and let you get to reading. 

Enjoy yourselves,




Title: A Starry Superbubble

Courtesy: ESO