Between Us Androids
by Christopher T. Dabrowski
Translated from Polish by Julia Mraczny
Ann Droid met with a friend at Xway.
"Screwburger, please" ordered her friend.
"Anything to pour?" the order-taking vending machine croaked out.
"Diesel, a thick one."
"You're crazy" said Ann.
"We've been bolstering our standards, and I need fuel. Anything for you?"
"Diet. I got an oil slick, and the screws accumulate in the hard-to-reach crevices."
"Oh dear… And how about men?" asked the colleague.
"Only those with meat casing and protein brains. If only an outstanding programmer came along, alas…"
"I sympathize. They sweeten me up about my super algorithms. And I feel like giving them a hard reset."
© 2024 Christopher T. Dabrowski
Christopher T. Dabrowski has published in many places:
USA: "Escape" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomaly" (2020 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Spain:"La fuga" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomalia" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press)
Germany: "Die Anomalie" (2020 - Der Romankiosk)
Poland: "Deathbirth" (2008 - Armoryka publishing house),
"Anima vilis" (2010 - Initium publishing house),
"Grobbing" (2012 - Novae Res publishing house),
"Deathbirth and other stories" (2012 & 2017 - Agharta & Armoryka publishing house),
"Z życia Dr Abble" (2013 - Agharta publishing house),
"Orgazmokalipsa" (2016 - Alternatywne publishing house),
"Anomalia" (2016 - Forma publishing house),
"Ucieczka" (2017 - Dom Horroru publishing house) &
"Nie w inność" (2019 - Waspos publishing house.)
He has contributed to anthologies published in the USA, England, Australia, Canada, Poland, Russia, Germany & India, and has stories in
PLAYBOY in the Slovak, USA, English, Czech , Russian, Brasilian, Spanish, Argentinian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Mexican, Albanian,
& Nigerian editions.
Find more by Christopher T. Dabrowski in the Author Index.
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