Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Aphelion Editorial 024

May 1999

More Notes from a Crazy Thing Called Life

by Dan L. Hollifield Jeff Williams

Hello everyone, and welcome to Aphelion 24. First off, let me thank all of you for checking in and trying to find the new issue. It's good to know that we are missed when we aren't here. :)

As you have no doubt surmised, I am not Dan. Last month it was my turn to be distracted by that pesky thing called real life. (It's amazing how much time getting married and moving your new bride halfway across the country actually takes!!!) Well, this month it is Dan's turn. You'll be happy to know that the move into his new house is nearly complete and that his life is going well. Unfortunately, he is also busier than usual, and Dan finally realized rather late in the day that he wouldn't be able to work on the issue.

Therefore, I'd like to thank Robert Wynne, our esteemed webmaven, for putting the new issue together in a very short amount of time. As was the case last year, without him, Aphelion would not be up at all right now. I'd also like to send out a message to Dan:

HELP!!!! We need you back!!!! Get those dishes and chairs squared away!!!!

Anyway, we have a terrific line up of new stories for you this month including new works by David Allen, McCamy Taylor, T. S. George… Oh heck, why name them all when you can see for yourselves!

Also, this month we debut our new addition to the long fiction area. We will now be running novellas and novelettes in single installments, in addition to our longer, serialized, novel-length works.

So, without further adieu, allow me to present the new issue of Aphelion. Happy reading, and enjoy!!!

Jeff Williams


© 1999 Dan L. Hollifield

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