The Legend of Duncan

The Legend of Duncan

By Erik Daly



In the beginning, Solestari, The One, The High God, brought into existence Vanaron, the world of wonders. He populated it with creatures of his own design, mortals who could live on this world. Elves, Humans and Dwarves they were, creatures of different sizes, strengths and abilities. They were thought to be wondrous creations, but within a few cycles of the moons, chaos was rampant on the face of Vanaron.

Solestari, disappointed in his own incompetence, decided to end this world and the existence of those upon it. As the Highgod raised the Hammer of Creation, preparing to smite this entire world and all the beings on it, some lesser Gods were spawned from his thoughts.

Ballantine, the God of Good, stayed the hammer hand of Solestari, and then he and his sister, Mereox, the God of Neutrality, descended to Vanaron. They taught the inhabitants each to use their own special traits as races to their fullest potential.

The Elves settled in Solastian Forest, Humans became horsemen, and made homes on the Magdarian Plains.

The Dwarves, however, preferred the solid rock. They loved climbing, delving, and shaping of stone. They delved out homes in the living stone of Cloudkeeper Mountain, and named the mountain range around it Naugramax, The Land of the Dwarves.

While these great feats were taking place in Eastern Vanaron, a dark being was plotting war and conquest. This being was Saranathc, Dark God of Evil. He had slipped away when he and his siblings were created by the thoughts of Solestari. He was determined to upset his siblings, he himself created perverted copies of Solestari’s creations. In the form of Goblins he copied the Dwarves, making a short sturdy being of great strength and rancid smell. Elves were copied in the form of Trolls, tall agile axemen. Then he made Ogres, perverted Humans made larger, stronger and less intelligent. Saranathc was however a lesser God than Solestari, and his copies would only serve as his slaves. He quickly made them ready for war, teaching them the ways of making and using of weapons.

This all went on unknown to the Gods of Good and Neutrality. These Gods were busy with another creation. These were the large winged Gryphons, creatures with the wings, talons and head of an eagle but the lower body and tail of a lion. These majestic creatures became the guardians and scouts of Good and Neutrality. It was by their presence that, the first tide of war was stemmed.

Gryphons flying together to scout out the unknown lands of Western Vanaron came upon the armies of evil, creatures unknown to them, marching towards the east. The Gryphons fearing for the lives of the eastern inhabitants, attacked and scattered the evil beings. They returned to the east bearing tidings of this desolate, barren new world to the west. It was then that Saranathc, their brother of evil, was made known to Ballantine and Mereox. Saranathc nearly struck down his own siblings as they lingered in Vanaron, and he was in Vanyar, Land of the Gods. They narrowly escaped to Vanyar themselves where Saranathc could not harm them, nor they him.

As time went on, the Gryphons, at the bidding of their Gods, kept close watch on the Desolation of Saranathc, as the west was now called. Some however never came back, and it was learned from ragged, wounded survivors, of Saranathc’s own flying beasts, winged lizards called Dragons. Their small scouting parties were heavily outnumbered, and were destroyed easily. In this time the Great Standoff began, and the beings of the east created their own weapons and practiced using them in preparation of the inevitable war to come.

300 Years Later:

Duncan slowly lay aside his laden hod full of tools and bent over to pretend to rub his heavily callused ankles, all the time watching the short, smelly Goblin guard watching other slaves. As the last slave walked by, he made his move. Picking up the eight foot chain binding his ankles, he quickly moved towards the guard on short Dwarven legs. He wrapped his chain around the green skinned neck of the guard and strangled it, thrusting a chisel into its throat cutting off a strangled scream before it start. He then relieved the corpse of its bronze sword and shield, and as best he could with bound ankles, made his way through the tunnels of the Goblin mines.

He had moved with stealth, and using the darkness preferred by the evil creatures to his advantage. He did however have to kill two more Goblins before he made it outside where he was forced to halt. An alarm had gone out, no doubt after the Goblins had stumbled upon their dead comrades. A troop of eight went directly for his exit of the mines. The eight Goblins surrounded him and prepared to end this tiny slave revolt with a single blow from their swords.

Suddenly, a deafening screech was heard. Goblin and Dwarf alike covered their ears, as from the clouds descended a majestic creature. It was a Red Gryphon of Neutrality; she scattered the Goblins and set down beside the Dwarf.

"Leap upon my back and let us leave this place before the Dragons learn of our presence," she said in a low voice.

Not having to be told twice, he mounted the great beast, and it soared into the air heading straight for the east. They made it to the Mountains of Naugramax, and set down upon a peak far inside the great range.

Duncan then dismounted and asked the question that had plagued him all the way from the Pastoro Goblin mines.

"Wh-why did you save me?" He managed to say.

"It is my duty to safeguard the lives of the followers of Mereox," the Gryphon responded, "I had been told to fly to the mines by Mereox herself to save you when you exited from the mines. I must say though my heart jumped when you were attacked by those Goblins. I thought you were lost! Thank the Gods your Alright!"

"You are an emissary of the Gods come to rescue me? But why? What do the Gods want with a ragged Dwarf such as myself? I am not worth risking the life of such a majestic creature as you, so what could they possibly want from me."

"My task is not to question the Gods’ orders but to fulfill them. Please call me Terena, let us go." The Gryphon said anxiously. Duncan still baffled by his current predicament, scrambled upon Terena’s back and secured himself in the saddle.

Powerful wings were extended, and with a single movement launched Gryphon and rider into the air. Soon Duncan put forward the question that had been rumbling in his mind for the entire flight.

"Where are we headed Terena?" He said over the wind blowing past them.

Terena replied. "No mortals but the Gryphons have ever seen where we are going because it is the hidden from view until you have already been there or are within it. It is Mount Vanyar, the Gods’ outlet into this world. That is where we will meet Mereox. You cannot see it yet but I can. We are close, so be ready."

Duncan looked at his ragged tunic and at the dirt in his long brown beard and frowned.

"Are you sure I am presentable enough for a God, Terena?" he said.

"We are in haste at the moment. " said Terena, "We have not the time to clean you up. Saranathcs forces are battling those of Ballantine and Mereox in the foot hills of Naugramax. You must accomplish your mission soon. Now let me fly, all will be revealed by Mereox."

Duncan snapped his mouth shut cutting off any further questions, and rode in silence. Soon Terena turned to fly upwards and slowly a mountain materialized directly before them, and Terena was flying at its peak high above the clouds.

Terena pierced the clouds and landed in a cave not far from the cloud tops. Duncan scrambled from her back and walked forward. He walked until he came upon a pool of milky liquid, which he nearly stepped in, in the dark. As he peered at the strange pool, he discovered the presence of fog within it, which had begun to lift. He watched it until it had cleared enough for him to make out a pair of eyes and a mouth. He nearly fell into the liquid in astonishment, but caught himself at the last minute. The lips began to move emitting a sound that soon formed words in Duncan’s ears.

"Hail Duncan Hammerstorm," came the sound from the liquid, "I am Mereox, Goddess of Neutrality. I have been waiting for you to come here, however I must be brief."

Duncan could only nod dumbly, for had he been allowed to speak, he could not have found words to use. Mereox quickly continued.

"Duncan, war is again upon Vanaron, this time it could be the last for Good and Neutrality." Duncans heart skipped a beat at this but he kept silent. "Beyond our worst fears Saranathc may enter Vanaron, not in a weakened state as we would guess, but in his full Godly power. Mallegant, Saranathc’s chief servant on Vanaron, an outlaw human mage has devised a way to siphon Saranathc’s power into this world using a portal leading to the Abyss, Saranathc’s home world. If they accomplish this, any resistance to him will be smashed instantly, and as Gods, we cannot stop him now or then. He is all powerful now, and will be in Vanaron if Mallegant succeeds. You alone can stop them, with the assistance of the faithful Gryphon, Terena, and the Dragonsword."

Suddenly, the mountain it self began to rumble gently beneath Duncans feet. To his left the wall slid silently into the solid rock around it, revealing the faint glow of shimmering steel.

"By the Gods, that is the Dragonsword!?" Duncan mumbled.

"Yes," came the reply, "and the Dragonarmor which accompanies it. These are the weapons with which to banish Saranathc from this world. However, you cannot destroy him, or the evil on this planet."

Duncan whirled, to look into the pool his face holding a fierce scowl.

"Why not, after all that has happened, after all its done why can’t evil be destroyed, to pay for what it has done." He said remembering the lives of many comrades, destroyed by the forces of evil.

"Duncan, you are the first mortal besides the Gryphons to learn of this," came the answer, " it is a secret held by the God of Neutrality. In this world there is a balance, a balance between Good and Evil. In this world, one of the two cannot exist without the other. Should Evil perish so will Good, this is the balance in which this world exists. As a soldier of Neutrality, your job is to uphold this balance taking whichever side is being threatened. Now go, your time is short, you must reach Demon’s Head Peak in the far west where Mallegant resides. The Dragons of Saranathc are engaged already, so you should be able to make it there with no opposition. May you be strong Duncan Hammerstorm, and may you succeed."

"I shall not fail you my liege, Saranathc will not take this world, ever," Duncan said his voice rising with new strength and pride in himself.

The image in the pool swirled, faded and was gone. Then Duncan was enveloped in a mist, which hung over him for a moment and then lifted. Duncan was changed, the Dragonarmor was upon him, a scarlet cape at his back, and with the Dragonsword in its sheath at his side, he felt a new strength and courage. Truly he himself looked like a God.

"Terena, we must go Evil is preparing war, and we must stop it before it begins. Let us fly." Duncan said stepping towards the Red Gryphon.

Duncan clambered upon her back, and she took off like an arrow.

For hours it seemed they traveled by air, hearing the occasional scream of Gryphons and Dragons far to the north, where battle was still being waged. They were, in time, able to see the leering face of Demon’s Head Peak before them. They had met no defenses, nothing in response to their presence. Mallegant must be fully involved with the spell to bring his master forward. Terena flew into the mouth of the peak and Duncan hopped off. He ran through the halls, and met no guards, only the occasional rat in the murky dark tunnels, of the evil fortress.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, chanting in a strange language Duncan did not understand.

"He’s started the spell, I must find him before he finishes." Duncan breathed, gasping for air.

He took off again following the voice, and after a few turns he found Mallegant in a room, chanting before a great crystal sphere. Mallegant finished the spell and the mountain moved under their feet. Sensing something behind him, he turned, shocked to see this Dwarf in his doorway.

"You are too late my friend the spell is spoken, and as of now, Saranathc is drawing his power from the Abyss to himself through this sphere." Mallegant said with a malicious smile, pointing towards the great crystal.

Remembering his God-forged sword, he unsheathed it and hurled it at the sphere. Point first it struck the sphere, then seemed to hesitate, before it passed into the crystal.

The explosion ripped Mallegant and the sphere apart. Duncan dove to the ground, covering his ears. As the noise ceased, he looked and saw that the crystal was totally gone, not even a shard of it was left. However, on the ground lay the Dragonsword gleaming in its own light. Duncan walked over and picked it up, then he heard a voice that was pure evil.

"Fool, I am still here, I have drawn enough power to still overcome this world. You may come out beardling, you are to be my first victim.

Duncan, ran to where Terena waited at the entrance to the mouth of the cave. Together they took off, then they saw him.

Saranathc, God of Evil.

The God rode upon a great black Dragon, the one called Firewing, responsible for many Gryphon deaths, the sight of him filled Terena with rage. Duncan nudged her towards the God, as he wielded Dragonsword. Saranathc also spurred on Firewing and they flew towards one another at terrific speeds. Firewing, however, was over confident, seeing an easy prey. He headed straight for Duncan and Terena. Terena, was not just any Gryphon, and she ducked below the Dragon, and Duncan ran him through with the Dragonsword.

Firewing screamed in agony and plummeted towards the ground, taking his rider with him. Duncan brought Terena in for a landing, but as soon as he had descended from her back, a fireball struck Terena burning feather and fur alike. She could say only one thing while she burned.

"Defeat him Duncan, but remember the balance. You cannot destroy him." With that she collapsed to the ground.

Duncan tears welling in his Dwarven eyes, challenged the God of Evil.

"Saranathc face me, or are you scared of a mortal."

"You challenge me, you are a fool. Diiiiiiiiiie Mortal!!!!" Saranathc said rushing at Duncan.

Duncan met him, Dragonsword flaming red against the black fire of Saranathcs sword. Duncan parried the God’s blows, but even Dragonsword could not give him the strength to fight on.

"Why doesn’t he just roast me like he did Terena." Duncan thought.

Then it occurred to him. He had destroyed the crystal sphere before the God had fully powered up, Saranathc had but a slight hold on his power now that the sphere was gone. This new information made Duncan fight harder. Soon Saranathc made a stroke at his head. Duncan ducked under the blow rolled and plunged the Dragonsword into the Gods midsection.

The scream of pain was deafening. Duncan clasped his ears.

"I can end the pain Saranathc. All I have to do is remove the sword, but I need you to promise me something." Duncan said over his foe.

"H-h-h-how d-d-did you do that, what is this weapon that can pain a God." Saranathc said in obvious defeat.

"It is the Dragonsword forged by Mereox in Vanyar, a God forged weapon that can kill a God. You must withdraw from Vanaron, forever, and take your Dragons with you. This you must swear by that which you hold most holy." Duncan said, he could not destroy Saranathc, but the God did not know about the balance, and why he couldn’t.

"I will with-withdraw from this world with my flying beasts, so do I swear by-by…"

"Say it."

"by Solestari, the Highgod."

He said it.

Duncan stepped up to the God and gripped the sword tightly, knowing that no God with a hate for pain would cross Solestari. He heaved and slid the sword free. Immediately, the God disappeared.

Suddenly, an image of a beautiful Dwarven maiden appeared in front of Duncan. He could only gawk at her because of her beauty.

"Duncan Hammerstorm I am Mereox," she said, "I have come to you in one of my many forms. I come to thank you. By your deeds, Saranathc was defeated, and his Dragons withdrawn. Sadly the Gryphons had to return with them, but all are safe in Vanyar, and there are skies a plenty for them to soar."

Duncan, remembering Terena looked over and saw that her burnt body was nowhere to be found. Seeing this Mereox spoke.

"Do not worry, her soul is also in Vanyar, and she has joined the rest of her kin. You may now return home, the fighting is over. The Armies of Darkness have returned to the west, and your friends have all returned home, where you must go also. You are a being of courage strength and leadership, the Dwarves need that. I need you to look over them and teach all the ways of the balance."

Finally gaining the courage Duncan spoke.

"What of you my liege, where do you go?" He asked though he could guess the answer.

"I must return to Vanyar as well. Solestari will permit no more Godly interference on this world. We have done our task and you must live out your lives in peace." Replied Mereox. "I must go now, but I shall return you to Cloudkeeper Mountain, your people are expecting you."

Suddenly, Duncan felt the world around him go formless, shapeless, then he was inside the main corridor of the Dwarven fortress. Dwarves stood round him gaping at his Godly armor which he was able to keep.

Duncan unsheathed thr Dragonsword and raised it high, Dwarves knelt round him and he shouted at the top of his lungs.


"FOR VANARON AND THE BALANCE!!!!" Came thousands of replies around him.

Thus the Legend of Duncan and the Great Balance was told throughout Vanaron.



Copyright 1998 by Erik Daly




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