
By McCamy Taylor

I should have waited until dark, but the gnawing ache in my belly was too strong for me to ignore. One skimpy meal a day was not enough for a thirteen year old girl, especially on a planet as cold as Minotar 3 a. As the hunger pains intensified, I threw caution to the wind and crawled through the ventilation duct into the kitchen. There was a pot of hot cereal on the stove. I grabbed a cup and a spoon and scooped up some of the bubbling gray paste. Though it did not look very appetizing, it would ease the ache in my stomach.

I was attempting to crawl back into the ventilation duct with the bowl of porridge balanced in one hand when someone grabbed me by the ankles and jerked me back into the kitchen.

"So you're the little rat whose been stealing from my mess!" The chief's breath reeked of liquor. "I should have known. Where do you think you're going? No one eats for free in my camp. If you eat, you work, and there's only one thing a girl like you is good for."

As his hands groped my body, I panicked, lashing out wildly with arms and legs. The bowl of cereal fell to the floor, splattering the walls with globs of gray.. My knee connected with the chief's groin.

"You little shit!" he howled, clutching his injured parts.

I tried to make a run for it, but he caught me. His face was inches from mine. His eyes were fixed on my cleft upper lip. "You're too ugly to fuck," he snarled. "I think I'll feed you to the beast."

I fought like a wild thing, biting, kicking, scratching, but it was like battling a mountain. The chief picked me up by the scruff up the neck and carried from the kitchen, wading through the knee deep snow towards the shelter where the beast was kept. "Here, kitty, kitty!" he called. "I've got a treat for you." He threw open the door. The light within the aluminum building was dim, but not so dark that I could not make out the row of metal cages , only one of which was occupied.

"Open the cage," the chief ordered the young sentry. "I've brought the beast a snack."

The guard held the prisoner at bay with a stun gun while the chief attempted to shake me off. I clung to him as if my life depended upon it, which, in fact, it did. The beast had not eaten a bite in the five days it had been held captive. It was rumored that it only ate live food. I was about to find out whether or not the rumors were true.

The chief finally managed to free himself by slamming me against the bars several times. As I dropped to the ground inside the cage, he stepped back. The sentry slammed the cage door shut. Both men stood a few paces away, watching to see what would happen.

The beast was absolutely still, its gaze fixed on the humans outside its cage. Its amber eyes were wide with elongated pupils--the eyes of a cat. The thick golden fur which covered its body increased its resemblance to a feline, though genetically speaking, the wild man was more closely related to an ape than a lion or tiger. At seven and a half feet tall, it towered over the chief. Its oddly proportioned legs with long,high arched feet and muscular thighs could propel it forward at a speed two or three faster than the fastest human runner. Its broad, short fingered hands were equipped with two inch retractable claws. Its tail, which lashed back and forth as the beast eyed its captors, was tipped with a bony barb.

No wonder the sentry looked nervous. "I--I think I'll step outside and smoke a cigarette if that's alright with you, chief."

The commander grunted. He waited a few more minutes. When it became clear that the beast was not going to devour me right away, he turned and left, too.

My heart was pounding. Now that we were alone, there was nothing to distract my clawed companion. Recalling my mother's admonition never to look a wild creature in the eye or let it smell your fear, I gazed down at my own feet. My boots were little more than scraps of leather held together by a few, loose stitches. Would the beast eat them, too or would it strip me first? Would it devour me in one gulp or tear me limb from limb? I began to cry. Snot ran down my chin. Had I been capable of speech, I would have called out for help. However, my mother was too poor to pay for the surgery that would have corrected my cleft lip, tethered tongue and deformed larynx. Being mute, all I could do was sign the words of a prayer a priest had taught me. "Praise the Mother, full of mercy. She is blessed among women---"

A broad, fur covered hand grabbed me by the chin and tilted my face upward. The beast stared down at me with an expression more inquisitive than predatory. "You know how to talk?" it signed.

"That's what I'm supposed to say," I replied, once the shock wore off, and my head cleared. "Where did you learn to sign?"

"From my mother, who learned from her mother. All intelligent beings know how to talk." The beast nodded its head in the direction of the door. "I am beginning to suspect that the chattering of those monkeys is a kind of primitive speech, though I can make no sense of it." His bright, amber eyes examined me from head to toe. " Why is that you can speak properly, but they can not?"

I ducked my head self consciously. "There's something wrong with my mouth. I can't 'chatter', so I talk with my hands."

"Your mouth looks fine to me." The word he used was 'pretty', however, I assumed that he was confused about the sign's meaning , or that in the six hundred years which had passed since his people were cut off from civilization, the meanings of the signs had changed. No one had ever called my pretty. "There are plenty of empty cages. Why have they imprisoned you with me?"

I considered lying, but there seemed no good reason not to tell the truth. "To punish me for stealing food."

"Poor cub. Are you hungry?" He offered me his own bowl, which was piled high with grilled simulated meat and greenhouse grown vegetables smothered in gravy.

Though the food had grown cold, it was the best thing I had eaten in weeks, and I wolfed down a couple of handfuls, before it occurred to me to ask "Why won't you eat?"

His eyes narrowed. He growled softly "Because the food may be drugged. I do not trust these monkeys. If fall asleep, there is no telling what they might do to me."

I tried to conceal my surprise. We had been told that the worker beasts which inhabited this planet had reverted to an animal like state once their human masters had died, but this one had managed to ignore his own hunger in order to protect himself from harm. "It tastes alright to me. And I don't feel sick or sleepy. Do you want the rest?"

He must have been starving. Within minutes, he had finished off the contents of the bowl, going so far as to lick it clean. "I could use two or three more like that," he added wistfully.

"You aren't going to eat me?" I only dared to bring up the subject, because I was pretty sure of his answer.

"Eat you? Is that why they threw you in here?" He snarled. "Those warriors of yours are beasts to do something so cruel to one of their own young. Why have they come to Felign? Why have they imprisoned me? What do they want?"

"Felign?" I repeated the signs to make sure that I had them right. He had used a combination of the sign for "feline" and the one for "reign". "What's 'Felign'?"

He stamped his long, furred covered foot on the ground. "This is Felign. So is this." He thumped his own chest. "I am Jimson of the Golden Grasslands. My people are the Felign, and this land is ours, given to us by the Blessed Father."

"Actually, the land wasn't given to you," I corrected, once I got over my shock. "You took it. And it wasn't the Blessed Father who put you here. It was men like the chief."

For a moment, I thought that I had gone too far, and that Jimson would strike me down. However, he mastered his temper. "Continue."

I told him everything, how just over six hundred years ago, a party of settlers attempted to colonize this planet which the star maps referred to as Minator 3 a. The humans brought with them forty genetically augmented apes---Jimson's ancestors. The species was created through a combination of genetic engineering and selective breeding, and though the final result looked feline, they were simian with a dash of homo sapien. Their large size, protective fur and relatively high intelligence made them valuable beasts of burden.

A year after the colony was established, there was an outbreak of Jijstu hemorrhagic fever. The virus wiped out the human colonists. Under ordinary circumstances, a ship would have been sent to salvage the equipment and animals--the genetically engineered apes were immune to most of the diseases which afflicted their masters. However, shortly before the plague struck, a meteor storm had moved into the solar system. For the next seventy years, the storm raged intermittently, making space travel risky. Then, this section of the galaxy went to war, a conflict that latest almost two centuries.

By the time it was safe to travel in the Minator solar system again, no one remembered the failed colony. Three centuries passed before a scout ship detected a beacon left behind by the original settlers. A probe was launched. The remains of the settlement were discovered, along with something entirely unexpected. The ape laborers which had been left behind had managed to adapt to their environment and multiply. Satellite images suggested that there were at least six different tribes, each with a thousand or more members. Given the high demand for laborers, Minator 3 a was a gold mine just waiting to be plundered.

"Are you saying that the Felign are monkeys?" he demanded when I was done. This seemed to disturb him more than anything else he had just learned.

"Your ancestors were monkeys. So were mine. "

"So your people and mine are brothers?"

"Not exactly." How could I explain the subtleties of the laws which determined which sentient beings were citizens and which were chattel? Even I did not understand them. "Scientists created the---" I almost used the sign for "beasts." "---Felign to serve as slaves."

"Slaves? We are taller, stronger, faster than you monkeys."

"Humans," I corrected. "We like to be called humans."

"Names do not change what you are. You are weak creatures. If not for your weapons that spit fire and barbs, you would be completely defenseless." He drew himself up to his full height. "The Felign are strong. We have fur to keep us warm. We have our own weapons." He bared his claws. "If anyone should be servants, it is your people. The only useful thing about you is your hands." He took one of my hands between his, examining my fingers, marveling at their flexibility. "Hands such as yours would be very useful fashioning weapons for our warriors and pretty ornaments for our women."

I snatched my hand away. "I'm no one's property," I signed angrily.

"I meant no disrespect." He bowed his head contritely.

"That' OK," I replied, embarrassed by my own rudeness. Jimson could not have known that my troubled past made me especially sensitive to such suggestions. I had watched my mother die an early death from venereal diseases picked up from the space traveler who had purchased her services. They treated her like dirt. No, worse than dirt. In space, fertile soil was considered too valuable to waste, but my mother was just another warm orifice for sex starved sailors to use---

I did not realize that I was crying until Jimson put his arm around my shoulders. His fur was soft and warm and smelled like sweet musk. Something touched my head, combing through the tangles. He was using his tongue, I realized, to groom me the way that a lioness would groom her young. For some reason, this tender gesture only made me cry harder.

"There, there, little cub. It isn't easy for you, living with these brutes. How did you come to my world? You're not a warrior. " He sniffed me. "You're too young to be a warrior's woman."

He was right about the last part. I was thirteen and a late bloomer. However, youth alone would not have protected me from the sexual advances of the crewman, who had no outlet for their pent up desire now that my mother was gone. It was my cleft lip which had allowed me to preserve my virtue. As the chief had said, I was too ugly to fuck. "My mama signed on as a---a ship's companion.". It was nicer than calling her a "ship's whore". "She brought me along. I can't talk, you see. Not the way other people do. So they wouldn't take me in school. Mama didn't have enough money to pay anyone to look after me, and we don't have any family. The members of the crew aren't allowed to bring guests, but the chief looked the other way. Until Mama died a couple of weeks ago, just before we landed on the planet. Then, I became a burden." I sniffed.

He patted my head. "Poor little cub. Were you a member of my tribe, you would not be treated so cruelly. The women would fight to see who would have the honor of being your foster mother."

I wiped my eyes. "I wish I were a member of your tribe." A horrible thought occurred to me. Soon, his tribe would no longer exist. The chief and his crew would round up the Felign and take them to another planet where they would be sold at auction. Most of the males would be killed. Those who were still young would be neutered. "You've got to warn your people," I told him. "They're in great danger---"

We were interrupted by the return of the sentry. As the door opened, a blast of icy wind rushed into the room, making me shiver. The sentry entered cautiously, his eyes averted, as if he was afraid of what they would show him. When he saw that I was still in one piece, he looked relieved. He fumbled in his pocket for the keys to the cage. "Come on, kid. I'll find you someplace safe to hide from the chief."

To my surprise, Jimson growled and bared his teeth. The sentry drew his stun gun. The Felign warrior quickly positioned me so that I was in the line of fire. When it became clear that the beast would not give up its new toy, the young guard left.

"Why did you do that?" I signed when we were alone. "I can't help you escape if I'm a prisoner, too."

"I do not need your help," Jimson replied coolly.

"They'll cut off your balls," I warned him. "And drug your woman and put your cubs in cages."

He bared his teeth. Blood showed behind his eyes. "If they try, they will be sorry."

"No," I answered angrily. I kicked the bars of the cage. "You're the one who'll be sorry."

He shook his head the way grown ups do when they think children are being foolish, so I kicked him, too. Instead of getting angry, he cuffed me playfully. "You are full of fire," he signed approvingly.

Not long afterwards, Cook brought more food. Jimson insisted that I "test" it for him, which was a sneaky way of making sure that I got something to eat, too. I was still full from my last meal, so I nibbled on an artificial pork chop. When I did not drop dead or pass out, the Felign warrior finished off the rest. He showed me where to relieve myself---since the cages were not equipped with toilets, he had designated one corner the "toilet". Afterwards, we curled up in the far corner of the cage to sleep. His fur was softer than Pyruvian mink, and that, combined the warmth he radiated and the gentle rhythm of his breathing, soon lulled me to sleep.

I woke to the sound of gunfire and human screams. The gunfire did not last long. The human screams seemed to go on forever. Jimson held me close to his chest, with his hands over my ears, but he could not completely shut out the sounds of my fellow humans being slaughtered. Though I hated most of them for the way they had treated my mother, that did not stop me from crying for them---and for myself. What would become of me now?

The screams finally ended. There was silence, except for the whistling of the wind and the steady thudding of my heart. A new worry replaced the old one. Had we been forgotten? Would they leave us here to starve to death? Deprived of food for another four or five days, would my companion be able to resist the urge to eat me?

Jimson must have seen the fear in my eyes, because he signed "Patience, little cub. My friends are coming."

At that moment, the door of the aluminum shelter began to rattle. The Felign warrior on the other side must have had difficulty with the catch, because in the end, he ripped the door from its hinges, tossing the sheet of reinforced metal aside as easily if it was a piece of paper.

He was slightly shorter than Jimson and more lightly built. His fur was sleek and black. His eyes were emerald green with flecks of gold. His upper lip had a pronounced cleft, giving him an uncanny resemblance to a panther---at least from the eyes down. His forehead was as broad as any human's.

After a quick glance inside, he entered the building, moving so lightly on his padded feet that he did not make a sound. "Jimson?" he signed. "Are you injured?"

"Only my pride." His amber eyes closed in what was, for him, a smile. "What took you so long, Willow?"

"We could not remember whether you said to come get you if you had not come back within four days or six." Willow examined the cage door. After giving it a few experimental shakes, he declared "The metal is too strong for me to break. How do I get you out of there?"

"There is a key on the wall beside the door. You will have to let the cub use it. The lock is too complicated for Felign fingers."

Willow examined me curiously. "So you have found a pet. She is very pretty for a monkey." He reached through the bars to touch my cleft lip.

I swatted his hand away. "I'm not a pet!" I signed angrily. "And I'm not a monkey, either!"

"You talk!" The beast's eyes widened in amazement.

"Too much, sometimes," Jimson informed his friend with a grin. With his eyes closed, he reminded me of a contented cat. "I said four days, but I am glad that you waited six. If you had come earlier, I might not have met...I just realized. I do not know your name, cub."

I was too busy to answer him immediately. I inserted the key into the lock and twisted it. The cage door swung open. "My name's Seventh."

His amber eyes widened. "What an---unusual name," Jimson replied finally.

"No more odd than being named after weeds and trees," I replied tartly.

Willow's eyes met Jimson's. "I see what you mean about her talking a lot." He seemed amused rather than annoyed. He glanced out the door. "You should probably carry her," he told his friend.

"I can walk just fine," I protested. However, once we got outside and I saw the bodies and the snow black with blood, I understood his concern. Stifling a sob, I turned and buried my face in the thick, golden fur on Jimson's chest. He gathered me in his arms and carried me away to my new life.

I will never forget that night. Though I have lived with the Felign for many years and think of them as family, I am not blind to their faults. They are capable of great kindness--and horrific acts of violence. Given what they have been through---cast loose on a hostile world with no one to guide them, hunted by men who call them chattel--I can not blame them. I just hope that I live long enough to see peace made between them and the humans who created them.

The End

Copyright © 2001 by McCamy Taylor

Bio:McCamy is a long time contributor to Aphelion as well as Assistant Short Story Editor. You can find out all about her and herwork by following the link below to her new and improved (Post) Millennium Fiction website.


URL:(Post) Millennium Fiction

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