
--Part 2--

by R.R. Bennett

"Captain, I have a scoutship on line," called Rice.

"On screen."

A soiled face appeared on the screen. In the background, the bridge of the tiny ship appeared to be in shambles, smoke filling the air. Sparks flew as electronic equipment shorted out.

"This is Lieutenant Dawson of the Ogre. What ship is that?"

"This is the Glamdring, Captain Sanderson commanding. What's up?"

"A Blade! Great! We need you here right away, Captain, we've just had an encounter with a novaship. Coby's been blown away....all the planets destroyed. Three million people...gone. Just like that." Dawson's face reflected confusion and disbelief. It was plain that he was near to cracking from the stress of the situation.

"Pull yourself together, Dawson. Where's your Captain?" asked Sanderson.

"Dead, along with about half of the crew. We got caught by the shock wave...wreaked havoc on the ship. All major systems are off-line. We have partial environment control, and minimal maneuvering, but main engines are down. We should have them back up in about an hour. We were lucky, though....if we had been just a few degrees more broadside to the shock wave, our hull would have collapsed." "Can you make it to Valia for repairs?"

"Affirmative, Glamdring, but as soon as our engines are back on-line, we're going to start tracking that novaship...we managed to get in a couple of shots when she dropped her shield. No serious damage, but we think we nicked her reactor exhaust...we're reading a radiation trail along the course she used getting out of here."

"Send us your readings. We'll be there with you in about six hours, Lieutenant. patch your ship up as best you can. We'll transfer your wounded over to the Glamdring when we get there."

"Thank you, Captain. Ogre out." The contact closed.

"Mr. Zeigler, lay in a course for the Coby system. Engage at maximum speed."

"Aye, Sir,' responded the helmsman. "Correcting course in three, two,!"

Glamdring slewed to port, and accelerated. Sanderson sat back in his chair, thoughtful.

"Commander G'rvan," he said at length, " has it been determined what set the Captain of the A'zani off?"

"Set" said N'Tal questioningly. "I ‘m sorry, Captain, I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you explain it, please?"

"What is the motivation for the A'zani's Captain to do this?"

"It is our belief that Captain N'rthan is attempting to exact revenge for the rape of his mother near the end of the war. Her ship was surprised and captured while enroute to T'zir, and four humans raped her. Captain N'rthan was a small boy at the time, and he was forced to watch."

Sanderson shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Why has he waited until now?" he asked.

"His mother committed suicide five days ago. We were informed that she sent him specific information about her attackers. She had managed to discover their identities, and we are working on the premise that he has hopes of killing them."

"How the hell did he get command of a novaship under those conditions?" asked Ryan.

"He is the adopted son of Emperor K'val. As a member of the Royal family, he was given advanced command training, and then placed in command of a major ship-of-the-line."

"And there was no indication of instability before this?"

"None. Captain N'rthan has served the empire well as Captain of the A'zani. Her crew performance and Ship evaluations have been exemplary."

Sanderson was strangely quiet. He sat back in his chair, brooding.

"Is something wrong, Captain?" asked N'tal.

"Nothing, Commander. Just something I was trying to remember. Tell me, what do you think the A'zani will do next?"

"R'gal will undoubtedly find a hiding place, and stop to repair the radiation leak. He will have to shut down the A'zani's reactor plant to do that. Once he does, it will take at least one full day to re-start the reactor, and several hours after that before he has sufficient power reserves to move the ship. And then, it will take some hours to repair the damaged exhaust line itself."

"So that gives us a window of opportunity of say....36 hours to close in on him. What sort of place will he need to hide?"

"The A'zani is too big to make a planetary landing, Captain. He will need a nebula or a large stable asteroid field to hide in."

"Mr. Starrett, bring up the charts."

The charts appeared on the main screen. Sanderson studied them for a moment before speaking.

"There are three possibilities," he said. "There's a small dark nebula here, and two asteroid fields, here and here. We can be at that area in just over twenty-eight hours at maximum speed. Mr. Zeigler!" "Yo!" called the helmsman.

"Alter course 298.2 by 48.1 and don't spare the horses."

"Aye, Sir!"


N'tal, alone in Ryan's quarters, removed a comm unit from his carrysack. Sanderson had given his approval for contacting his home, but N'tal had sought privacy for the communication. He had some suspicions; and he wanted to check them out .

The comm unit illuminated, and N'tal punched in a personal code. The screen flickered, and a face appeared.

"Father!" exclaimed N'tal. "You answered quickly!"

The Emperor looked tired. "I've been waiting for your call," he said. "You were supposed to check in hours ago. What's going on?"

"I'm on board one of their destroyers, the Glamdring. We're on our way to the system they call Coby; R'gal has destroyed it. All equipment has been installed, and is functioning perfectly. In addition, a small Gnome-class scoutship has managed to get in a hit on the A'zani and they're following a radiation trail." "Excellent," nodded the emperor. "N'tal, you must not fail. The Confederacy's Ambassador here on T'zir has put us on notice that the Confederation will not stand idly by while their worlds are systematically destroyed. They're already gathering a fleet. We cannot afford to be involved in another war with the humans, N'tal, not now."

"I know , father." said N'tal. "And there's something else. There's a half T'zirian officer on board. He doesn't remember his father, and his mother only dimly, but he says he was on a T'zirian ship that exploded. He was found in a lifepod, and taken to an orphanage, where he was raised."

"Do you believe that it could be G'val?"

"It's quite possible. He looks almost exactly like me."

"It seems almost impossible, after all this time. Can you send an image of him?"

"It's attached to this message, along with as much of his service and medical records as I could coax out of this ship's computers. Should we tell mother?"

"Let me do some checking first," the Emperor said. "If it is G'val, which side would he be loyal to?"

"I cannot say. I believe, however, that he would help me accomplish the mission. It is in the interests of both our people."

" Success, my son."

"Success to us all, Father."


"Three possibilities, Captain," said T'kul. He indicated the three areas on the chart. "Of the three, this dark nebula would offer the greatest degree of concealment."

"I agree, T'kul. However, that would be the first place the enemy will check. We must instead use one of the asteroid fields. We shall go to this one."

He indicated the smallest of the asteroid fields. T'kul nodded.

"I'll change our course immediately, Captain." He turned to go.


"Yes, Captain?"

"T'kul, I appreciate your support. This is a difficult time for me...for all of us."

"Captain," said T'kul slowly, with some degree of hesitation, "I am doing this for two reasons. One, it is my duty as A'zani's Sailing Master. Two, there many here that need to see home again. I do not know if we will do so. I still protest your actions. But I have a duty to the Emperor to bring his ship home, if I can, and a duty to this crew. I will do all I can to fulfill this duty."

"I understand, T'kul. That will be all."

R'gal leaned back in his bunk. He was tired, almost exhausted. He needed sleep, but sleep had eluded him these past few cycles. The face of the man who had held him haunted his thoughts, taunting him. He imagined the face older, as the man might be now. Still the face taunted him, the voice echoing through his thoughts...

"That's all you're good for," The voice whispered through his consciousness. "See? We torment you, defile your women...we shall show you. Watch again...."

Again and again through R'gal's tortured mind he saw his mother's writhing form, the humans on her, violating her. Again and again, he heard the screams, those horrifying screams....


Sanderson lay on his bunk in his quarters, nursing a bad headache. Blake, ship's doctor, had given him a pain injection again, but Sanderson knew from experience that whatever relief it provided would be short-lived. Just as he probably would be.

The cancer in his brain would see to that. Sanderson could feel it almost...the doctor had told him where the tumor was. It seemed like he could feel it...pressing against the softer tissues of his brain, spreading its' poison through his body...

"Six months," the doctor had told him. "Perhaps as long as nine. You need surgery, Captain. That might extend your life for another three or four months."

"That's all? Three or four measly months? Doesn't seem worth it."

"The alternative is pain, Captain. Without surgery, your last months will be...ugly. The pain medication will cease to be will know pain, Captain. Excruciating pain. Consider the surgery."

And so Sanderson had. He had planned to quietly give up his command and retire, and enter the Veteran's Hospital on Valia, there to spend the last of his days.

Pity. He never made Admiral. Sanderson had always dreamed of becoming an Admiral. He supposed his ancestors must be ashamed of him, the first Sanderson in five generations to fail in the quest for an Admiral's flag. Sanderson was a proud man, from a proud family...and he had failed.

"T'zirian's fault," he thought to himself. "That damned T'zir bitch. Should have killed her...the kid, too, and spaced their bodies. Then we wouldn't be in this mess."

His memory brought up the images of that day long past, how the old Repulse had overtaken and captured the T'zirian transport. They boarded her and fought their way through the ship deck by deck, until at last they came to a barricaded hatch. They cut through, and inside they had found her. She had killed the first man through the hatch, and before she could fire another shot they had subdued her. Sanderson had found the boy hiding in the storage locker. He had dragged him out, holding him, as his companions struggled with the woman. She kicked Johnson in the crotch and he went down, writhing in pain. Lee had slapped her, and as Johnson rose from the floor he seized the front of her robe, ripping it away...

Sanderson remembered every detail of what happened. When they had finished with her, she had gathered her robe around her, crying. Sanderson had thrown the boy down upon her, and then they had taken the two of them on board the Repulse. She had demanded to see the Captain, and when she was taken to him, she told of the attack. The Captain of the Repulse had not registered charges against them, but an entry had been made in each of their service records.

"And that," Sanderson thought, "is why I never made Admiral. That T'zir bitch cost me my flag."

And now that kid has grown up. And he wants some payback..

"I'll show him payback," thought Sanderson. "I'll blow that little bastard out of the Galaxy..."


Admiral Stancil studied the somber face in his viewscreen. The face looked tired and careworn, and Stancil listened carefully to his words.

"Admiral, this comes directly from the President's Office. You are to assemble every available ship and proceed to Point Alpha as soon as possible."

"That will leave Valia unprotected."

"We are aware of that, Admiral. The President and the Confederation Council have considered the risks. We feel that this action must be taken. The T'zir must be shown that we will not stand idly by and watch our people slaughtered."

"Sir, shouldn't we give the Glamdring and the Emperor's special envoy the chance to find the A'zani?"

"The Glamdring is to remain on her mission, Admiral. We'll give the Emperor that chance. Personally, I think it's a slim one, at best. But send everything else you have to Point Alpha."

"Aye, sir. consider it done. Stancil out."


"Captain, the repairs have been completed. The restart of the reactor is underway, and M'pel thinks we can trim a few z'hostas from the restart procedure. The fuel had not completely cooled. The reactor should be on-line in about eighteen z'hostas."

"Excellent, T'kul. Convey my complements to M'pel and his Engineering staff. Are the scanners back on-line?"

"Within the next z'hosta."

"Good. As soon as they are back on-line, carry out a complete sweep of the area. I'd hate to get caught by surprise out here."

"Captain, when did you last sleep? You look exhausted."

"I'm fine, T'kul."

"When?" T'kul's voice was insistent.

"Four cycles ago."

T'kul swore. "I'm sending for the healer."

"No, T'kul. I'll be all right."

"Captain, I need you to be alert and clear of thought. You are not capable of that not. Must you force me to have the healer declare you unfit for duty?"

Anger flooded through R'gal. He leapt to his feet and seized T'kul by the throat.

"You dare to question me again, T'kul? I could have you killed for this."

"Then do so. Your mission will fail, this ship will be found and destroyed, and this crew will die. You will die. You are unfit to command us now, Captain. I am sending for the healer."

R'gal hurled T'kul into the bulkhead.

"Send for him, then, T'kul. I will prove that I am not unfit to command."

T'kul spoke into the comm, and a few minutes later, the Healer arrived. He quickly examined R'gal, shaking his head.

"Why have you waited so long before summoning me, Captain?"

"I did not feel the need for your services, Healer."

"Well, you need them. Captain, I'm giving you a sleep-draught. You must have rest now, not later."

"Very well, if you must."

The healer poured out an amber liquid into a measure. He handed it to R'gal, and watched him drink. He nodded with satisfaction.

"There, " he said. "You should feel it take effect in a z'ta."

R'gal felt the weariness wash over him, dragging him down to darkness. Briefly, he struggled against it, but it was hopeless.

"T'kul," he said, as the blackness descended over him, "T'kul...protect my ship..."

"Aye, Captain. Rest now."

The blackness flowed over him, and R'gal slept.


Lieutenant Dawson peered over the head of the technician and read the scanner himself. Nothing. Still nothing. He sighed.

Ogre had followed the trail of radiation until it disappeared. The novaship had to be nearby, but Ogre’s damaged scanners were unable to detect it. Most of the damage to the scanners had been repaired, along with all the other major systems on Ogre, but only several weeks in Valia’s repair yards would set Ogre to rights.

‘At least Glamdring will be here soon,’ Dawson thought. ‘She might be able to find that damned novaship. And she has the firepower to deal with it, too.’

“Give me an estimated time of arrival on Glamdring,” he said to the scanner operator.

“Glamdring is about twenty-two minutes away, Sir”

“Good. Maybe she’ll be able to find this damned thing.”

“I dunno, sir, she’s gone to ground pretty good.”

“Hell,” swore Dawson, “It’s a novaship. It can’t just’s out there somewhere, Ensign, and we’re going to find it.”

The comm squealed, and then a voice spoke. “The sensor array repairs are finished, Skipper.”

“Dawson here. Thanks, Chief.”

“No problem...just find that bastard, sir.”

“We’ll try, Chief. Dawson out.” He broke contact, and turned to the scanner.

“Try it again, Ensign. See if you can locate a reactor signature.”

“Aye, sir, scanning.” The Ensign sounded unsure of himself. Dawson pitied him...this was his first trip out, and they had to run into this...half the crew dead or injured, including the Captain; every major system damaged. And a novaship still on the loose.

‘I’d be pretty unsure of myself, too,’ he thought.

“Wait a minute,” the Ensign said. “That’s odd. I’m reading a power source, but it doesn’t match the one I recorded from the novaship earlier. The output is lower...what...Skipper, the power levels are jumping rapidly. That’s it! There she is!”

“Where away?” asked Dawson, excitedly.

“Bearing 342.6 by 28.9. She’s stationary. I don’t think she’s seen us yet.”

“She’s hiding behind that asteroid there. Helm, pull back...maneuvering thrusters only, I don’t want them to spot us.”

“Aye, sir.”

The trim little scoutship began to back away slowly. Dawson ordered a new course, bringing Ogre in behind a medium sized asteroid, shielding them from the novaship’s sensors.

“Comm, get me Glamdring on a secure channel.”

“Aye, sir. Contact established.”

Sanderson’s face appeared on the monitor.

“What’s up, Dawson?” he asked.

“We’ve got her, sir. I’m sending you her soon can you be here?”

“We’re about nine minutes away. What’s your status?”

“We’re hidden ourselves. Most of our systems are back on-line, but weapons are minimal and we still don’t have shields. We won’t be much use in a fight.”

“Just keep tracking her for us, Dawson. We’ll take care of her when we get there.”


R’gal tossed in his sleep. The faces of his mother’s attackers circled him, crying out. He cringed under the hideous sound of their screeching cries. He must awaken! He must escape! He must...

Fighting his way to consciousness, R’gal realized that the cries in his dreams was in fact, the ship’s combat alarm sounding. A’zani was in danger.

R’gal stumbled from his bunk and reached for the comm. He activated it, and T’kul’s voice answered.

“What’s happening?” He managed to croak. “Why...what’s the alarm for?”

“A Confederation Excalibur-class destroyer has come within scanning range, Captain. She’s on a direct course for us. Too early to tell if her weapons systems are armed yet.”

“I’ll be right there.” He broke contact, dressed rapidly, and made his way to the bridge.

“Do we have maneuvering power?” he asked T’kal.

“A little. Our power reserves aren’t up to a big strain, but I could manage a short run at maximum thrust.”

“And then what, T’kul? That destroyer isn’t just going to give up. What’s our weapons status?”

“We have only minimal weapons power, Captain. Not enough for a prolonged fight.”


“Not many, Captain.”

“We can’t run and we can’t fight. Not like this.” R’gal paused, thoughtful. “What about our main battery?”


“Are the reserve power banks for the main battery still charged?”

“Yes, Captain, but I don’t see...”

“Good,” R’gal cut him off. “Load a target simulation into the main targeting computer and prepare to fire at my command.”

“ what?”

“We’re going to fire along our escape route, which” R’gal indicated a plot on the chart. “We’ll align the main battery along this course and fire as we come into their weapons range. If we’re lucky, the burst will catch them by surprise.”

“And if we’re not lucky?” asked T’kul, apprehensively.

“Then, T’kul, we die.”


“She’s moving!” called out Starrett. “Target bearing course 316 by 17.7.”

“Right down our throats,” growled Sanderson. “Stand by all batteries. Hold your fire until I give the command.”

N’tal looked up from his instruments.

‘Captain, try to target her Command and Engineering decks. Please try to spare her crew, if you can.”

“Commander N’tal, that is not my first priority. I’m here to stop that novaship, whatever it takes. I’m sorry about your people, but a whole lot of mine are already dead...and I’m going to make sure that no more die. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Captain.” N’tal fell silent, and returned to his screen. The A’zani showed clearly now, inbound in a tightly intersecting course, almost head-on to the Glamdring. The tiny Ogre swung away from her shielding asteroid and took up station behind Glamdring.

“Target is eighteen thousand kilometers and closing,” called out Ryan.

“Stand by to fire all weapons. Let’s hit her where it counts, gentlemen.”

An alarm chimed from N’tal’s screen. He swore softly.

“Captain, transfer all power to your shields.”

“I beg your par...”

“Do it! Now!”

“Enough! Commander G’rvan, I will not allow you to interfere. Master-at-Arms! Escort our guest...”

“He’s fired on us!” N’tal shouted. “Shields, now, or we’re all dead!”

“All power to shields!” shouted Sanderson.

“All Hands, brace for impact!” shouted Ryan.

“Rice!” shouted Sanderson. “Contact Ogre and...”

A sudden violent blow struck the Glamdring, sending her tumbling. N’tal was thrown from his chair and went crashing into the bulkhead.

A massive power surge swept through the ship, overloading her main systems. Lights exploded like firecrackers, and system after system on her bridge shorted out and exploded.

Ryan clung to his console desperately as the ship’s decks swung wildly beneath him. He looked over at Sanderson, who lay sprawled in his chair, harness in place. He appeared to be bleeding profusely from a large gash in his forehead.

Zeigler fought the help desperately, at last bringing Glamdring back under control. The deck stabilized, and Ryan found the floor.

“Call Sick Bay. Get a med team up here, the Captain’s been hurt.” he ordered. He looked around, and saw N’tal’s crumpled form in the corner. He went over to check him. N’tal was unconscious, but nothing appeared to be broken. He had a few small cuts, mostly superficial.

The med team arrived, and began to treat the wounded. Sanderson had lost consciousness, and was removed, along with N’tal. The rest had only minor injuries.

‘N’tal’s warning saved us’ he thought. Aloud, he asked about Ogre.

“She didn’t make it, sir. Her hull collapsed.”

“Damn,” said Ryan. “Get me a damage report from all decks.”

The damage turned out to be surprisingly light. The hull and thrusters were intact, and the damage to Glamdring’s electronic systems could be repaired in a few hours. Even N’tal’s instrumentation was in good order, and Starrett had begun to use it to plot the novaship’s projected course. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.

Things could be worse. The damage would have to be repaired before they could hope to pursue the A’zani, but from the reports Ryan was getting, there were no fatalities, and the damage was mostly superficial. All in all, Glamdring had been lucky.

Damn lucky.


On board his flagship, the Invincible, Admiral Stancil reviewed his fleet. He had managed to assemble a surprisingly powerful force. The Battleships Sussex, Invincible, and Constellation formed the heavy core, supported by the carriers Lexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, Kiev, and Princeton. Destroyers Albion, Duranthal, Anduril, Narthung, and Sting held the flank, and there were numerous Gnome-class scoutships, and a number of Dragon-class heavy Cruisers.

Following his orders, Stancil had formed the fleet. They had departed Valia two days ago, and were still more than three days away from Point Alpha along the T’zirian Border. Once there, Stancil was to take up a defensive position and await further orders.

“Admiral, there’s a message for you,” said a yeoman. Stancil nodded, and turned to the viewscreen. It was Sanderson.

“Good to see you, Brian,” said Stancil. “Ryan’s last report had you on the injured list. What’s your situation?”

“We are under way again. A’zani’s projected course will put her in Sector Four by this time tomorrow.”

“Sector Four. She’s headed for either Draconis, Findshorn, or Mitaka.”

Sanderson nodded. “That’s what we figured as well. Trouble is, we don’t know which one.”

“Has Commander G’rvan been able to give you any insight?” asked Stancil.

“Well, he’s the one who kept us from winding up like those poor devils on Ogre. He detected the A’zani’s fire and warned us just in be honest, I thought he was trying to sabotage our attack. I almost had him removed from the bridge.”

“Has he regained consciousness yet?”

“Not as yet. Our doctor tells me not to worry, that T’zirians often take longer to come out of unconsciousness...something about the difference in body fluid levels.”

“When he comes to, thank him for me. Not every day a T’zirian saves my best ship and crew.” The Admiral grinned, then grew serious. “Listen, Brian, we’re only three days out of Point Alpha. It’s imperative you locate and neutralize that novaship. The political climate back on Earth is quite chaotic. The Hawks are demanding a punitive strike on the T’zir, and the President is only just able to maintain order in the Council. If he keeps on destroying our outposts, we won’t be able to keep a war from starting.”

“Admiral, we’re trying. Our best guess is that he’s headed for the Findshorn’s the largest of our colonies in Sector Four. We’re headed there now.”

“I hope you’re right, Brain. For all our sakes, I hope you’re right.”


“T’kul, alter our course. New course is 227.4 by 92. Maximum speed for 8 z’hostas, then run silent. I’ll give you the final course then.”

“Aye, sir.” T’kul paused before speaking. “Captain, how many more targets before our mission is ended?”

“That is not for you to know, T’kul. You will be informed when you need to know.”

“I am the First Officer of this vessel. If you are incapacitated or killed, it is my responsibility to complete the mission. Yet you withhold the information of that mission from me. How am I to complete a mission when I have no concept of what the mission is?”

“If I am incapacitated or killed, T’kul, the mission is ended. You may then run home like the coward you appear to be.”

T’kul bristled.

“I am no coward. I flew the Emperor’s ships before you were born, Captain, against the humans, against the Dhrshir, and never have I fled or even shunned battle. Nor do I now...I am a warrior in the service of my Emperor, and as I stand before you, you accuse me of dishonor me.” He turned and headed for the hatch.

“T’kul!” barked R’gal, “I have not dismissed you. Return at once!”

“If I am dishonored, Captain, it is by your hand. If you will not tell me what the mission is, then I shall contact the fleet and ask them.”

“You are not to contact the fleet, T’kul. That is a command directive.”

“Why? What reason could you give?”

“The fleet does not know of our mission, T’kul. It is a secret mission known only to the Emperor and myself,” lied R’gal.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Believe what you will, T’kul. I care not. But you will perform your duty. Or you will die.”


“He’ll be all right, Mr. Ryan,” said Blake. “He has a mild concussion, and some assorted bruises...he’s going to be sore for a while, but he’ll live.”

“Then why did you send for me?” asked Ryan.

“There’s something I thought you should know. When he came in, I didn’t know if there was any internal bleeding, so I checked to see if we had any compatible blood, just in case. You’re the closest match, so I checked a sample of his blood against yours.”

Blake paused, hesitating for a moment. Ryan grew impatient.

“Well?” he demanded. “What is it?”

“Mr. Ryan, there’s no easy way to do this. Commander G’rvan’s blood was a perfect genetic match for yours. There is no doubt.”

“What are you saying?”

“You and G’rvan are brothers. You have the same parents.”

The revelation hit Ryan hard. He felt for a chair, and collapsed into it.


“Congratulations, Mr. Ryan, or should I say Mr. G’rvan. It looks like you finally found your family.”

“Does the Captain know?”

“Not as yet. I am required to report the facts to him, but I felt it was necessary to inform you first.”

“I’ll tell him, Doctor,” said Ryan. “But I don’t quite know how he’s going to take this. hell, I don’t know how to take this myself.”

“Why don’t you try taking it one step at a time, Mr. Ryan?” suggested the Doctor. “I’m sorry, but regulations require that I be the one to inform the Captain. I would suggest that you speak to G’rvan when he wakes...which should be shortly.”

The doctor left then, to find the Captain. Ryan sat down beside N’tal’s bed, looking over his brother’s features.

‘He’s family..’ he thought. ‘Where is he from..who are his parents...our parents..’

Ryan wept.

The disturbance woke N’tal, who looked over at Ryan.

“What troubles you?” he asked, hoarsely.

“N’tal,” said Ryan, “We need to talk.”


A'zani slid silently through the darkness. Ahead, the Mitaka System with its' four planets awaited. One of these planets, Mitaka III, was a Confederation colony, home to nearly one hundred seventy-five thousand people.

"Target acquired, Captain," said T'kul. "Beginning analysis."

R'gal nodded dispassionately. He seemed almost detached from the process somehow; it was as if a bad dream was running through his mind.

Not long now, Mother,' he thought, This star, and one other...and you may rest in peace...your dishonor will be avenged.'

T'kul watched him carefully. That his Captain was under tremendous strain was obvious, and T'kul worried about his state-of-mind. Could he have cracked under the strain? What, indeed, were his orders?

A sudden thought sent chills tingling up T'kul's spine. What if he didn't have orders - what if he was insane? It all fit - the sudden outbursts, the refusal to let T'kul communicate with the fleet...could R'gal be acting on his own?

The analysis was completed. The computer chimed.

"Analysis complete, Captain," called O'tar, the second officer. R'gal started...why had T'kul not spoken? He looked at T'kul, and noted the questioning look on his face. He suspects,' he thought. He may become a problem.'

"Transfer data to main battery and fire."

The whine of the capacitors charging filled the ship. The sound droned on for what seemed like an eternity, and then the ship shuddered as her weapon fired.

In the viewscreen, the star Mitaka suddenly collapsed, and flared. The shock wave spread out from the flare, and the four tiny planets were overtaken and shattered. The system was dead.

T'kul felt sadness. if R'gal was acting on his own, then they had just murdered innocent people...three systems destroyed, millions dead. He shook his head.

He had to know. After the Captain had gone back to his quarters, he would discuss the problem with the other officers. But how to prove it - to contact the fleet would bring the Confederation's ships down upon them immediately. There had to be another way. Perhaps the message he had received....he would talk to S'lena, the communications officer. Perhaps she would give him a copy of the message..


T'kul started. He realized that R'gal had called him several times before shouting his name.

"I'm sorry, Captain, forgive me. My thoughts had taken me away."

"Well, then," seethed R'gal, "Nice of you to rejoin us. Always good to have the First Officer paying attention to his Captain again. Set our new course, T'kul. 198.3 by 97. Maximum thrust for seven hours, then run silent, and call me."

"Aye, Sir."

"And T'kul?"

"Yes, Captain?"

"When your duties permit, T'kul, report to me in my quarters."

"Aye, Sir."


"You were born G'val N'rthan. Your mother is a human who was born Janet Rosenthal. During the war, she was an officer on the freighter NEOSHO. That ship was captured, and she was taken prisoner. She was taken and held at the prison camp on T'garl.

"While she was there, a young naval officer saw her. He admired her beauty, her calm determination, and her dignity in the situation she was in. He found himself in love with her, and when he was kind to her, with respect for her honor, she in time returned that love.

"Against all convention of the times, they were married. Janet Rosenthal became J'net N'rthan. I was born on T'garl, and you were born there also, two years later, after the war had ended.

"Our father had been ordered to return to the homeworld a few months before you were born. His father was ill, and all of his brothers had been killed in the war. He left us behind on T'garl, and when transport became available, our mother took us to the homeworld.

"We never made it. The transport we were on was destroyed by a magnetic smartmine, and during the confusion, our mother lost sight of the crewman which was carrying you. The ship was exploding around us...I remember being very frightened. We managed to make it into a lifepod and ejected from the ship. Seconds later, it exploded.

"We were picked up a day or so later. Our father arrived on the rescue vessel, and he scoured the area looking for you...there was no trace. The crewman who had been carrying you was never found, and the ship had been completely fragmented. They scanned the wreckage for bodies, but it was no use.

"We never gave up and admitted that you had been killed. Somehow, we knew that you had survived, and would be found. Someday, the sons of K'val N'rthan would be reunited."

"K'val....N'rthan. Not G'rvan...Your..our name is N'rthan. That's the Emperor's name." Ryan was in shock.

"Quite correct, brother. You are Prince G'val N'rthan, the youngest son of Emperor K'val. And by now, they should have checked out the data I sent them and know the truth for themselves."

"You knew?"

"I suspected," said N'tal. When I first saw you, I noted the similarities in our appearances. Later, when I heard your story, I knew it must be you. However, we had to be I send some files I begged out of your doctor on the guise of trying to identify your family through the War Orphans Ministry."

"I would like to see with them," said Ryan. "Is that possible?"

"Yes. I'd get permission from your Captain to make a personal transmission first, just in case he thinks that you've switched loyalties."

"Good idea," said Ryan. "And that opens up a whole different can of worms.."

"Brother, you may decide yourself where your loyalty lies. You have family in the Empire, but your life has been here. I do not envy you the choice."

"Get some rest, N'tal. I'll be back to see you later."


"Admiral, incoming message from the Glamdring. The Mitaka system has been destroyed. Sanderson is on the trail of the novaship again."

"Damn!" exclaimed Stancil. "Well, that probably tears it. Inform all personnel to stand ready for battle. I'm sure that the Confederation Council isn't going to take this lightly."

"Probably not, Admiral."

The aide turned and walked away. Stancil was left alone to consider the possibilities confronting him.

It was coming down to one thing: war. Stancil didn't like it, but it was out of his hands now. He was a Confederation Officer, and would follow his orders, whatever the Council decided.

And Stancil was pretty damn sure what they would decide.


Ryan was lost in thought. A hundred things raced through his mind...who should have his loyalty? His family? He didn't know them. The Confederation? They had always treated him as a second class citizen. His Captain? No love lost there, either.

Ryan sought out the Captain. He found him resting in his quarters.

"Captain?" he said, "permission to enter?"

"Come in, Mr. Ryan," came the gruff answer.

Ryan entered. The Captain lay in his bunk, a cool cloth across his forehead.

"Headaches again?" he asked.

"Again," winced the Captain. "The doctor has made a most interesting report, Mr. Ryan," he observed. "My compliments upon finding your family."

"Well, there's a bit more than that to it, Sir. There's something you should know."

"And that would be?"

"N'tal isn't who he said he was. His name isn't G''s N'rthan."

"N'tal N'rthan. He's the Emperor's son...and you! You're God!"

"You see my dilemma. One minute, I'm just a naval officer. A minute later, I'm a prince..trouble is, I'm a prince on the other side."

"Why would the Emperor's son come aboard my ship incognito?"

"I m not sure. I believe it has to do with R'gal being his adopted brother. Apparently, the Emperor was sent his son to deal with his other son."

"If that's the case, then he's serious about wanting to prevent a war." Sanderson looked thoughtful for a moment. He looked keenly at Ryan.

So what's your next move, Mr. Ryan?"

"I'd like permission to send a personal transmission. N'tal has given me the personal codes."

"By all means, Mr. Ryan. Or should I start calling you Prince...what's your name, anyway?"

"G'val. I'm G'val N'rthan. But please, let's keep this quiet for the moment. Ryan will do."

"I agree. There's no telling how this will effect the crew. I have already ordered the doctor to keep the lid on this; I was hoping you would to. And I think we can depend on N'tal keeping a secret."

"I would say so, sir."

"Make your call, Mr. Ryan. I know we've never seen eye-to-eye, and I know that I've given you a hard time over your T'zirian blood. But your brother saved my ship, my crew, and my life...and I shall have to re-examine my opinion of T'zirians."

"Aye, Sir." Ryan took his leave, then, and the Captain lay back in his bunk. His head hurt terribly, and he was plagued by a thought nagging in the back of his head that he was forgetting something...that somehow he had the answer to all of this. He ran it through his mind, again and again, but nothing appeared to be significant.

Sooner or later, it will come to me,' he thought. Sooner or later.'


Ryan sat in front of N'tal's comm unit. He studied the panel for a moment, familiarizing himself with its' features...fortunately, he had taken T'zirian language courses at the Academy.

His hands toyed with the controls for a moment before activating the unit. He punched in the key code N'tal had taught him, and waited.

Who would answer? What would he say? What would Ryan say? Ryan had no idea. His mouth was dry, and suddenly he felt weak.

The screen illuminated, and Ryan saw a face. He could clearly see the resemblance in the other man's features. This was indeed his father, the Emperor. He was not looking directly at the screen.

"Yes, N'tal. what is the situation there?"

"I'm not N'tal."

The Emperor looked up slowly, and looked at him. He suddenly leaned off screen, whispering rapidly to an aide. Ryan saw the man depart in the background as his father looked into the screen once more.

"You are the one called Ryan?"

"Yes, Father."

"Then you know. You are G'val, my son."

"Our doctor confirmed it here about two hours ago. I had a long talk with N'tal after that."

"Where is N'tal?"

"He was injured, not seriously. He hit his head when R'gal fired at us...the shockwave tossed the ship and N'tal wasn't strapped in."

"And R'gal? Did you stop him?"

"I'm sorry. We only escaped with our lives. We're tracking him from the point of his last attack."

"That would be the system you call Mitaka. G'val, my son, listen: there are things you and the humans do not know. It is imperative that war be averted. That seems unlikely now...a fleet has been dispatched along our border. They will be ordered to attack. I have sent my own ships to stop them...I do not know if the human in charge will see reason. For that reason, you and N'tal must be prepared to leave that ship at a moment's notice. You would make far too good hostages for the humans."

"I'm not sure where my loyalty lies just yet. These humans are all I know."

The Emperor nodded. "I understand, G'val. Make your own decisions on that matter...but know that it is in the best interests of both the humans and the T'zir to avoid this war...more than you can know just now."

"We shall do our best, Father."

A woman entered the room and crossed to the Emperor. Even before she spoke, Ryan remembered her.

"It's true!" she said. "G'val, you're alive!"

"'s been a long time."

"You remember me, then?" she asked.

"Yes, Mother. Listen, when this is all over, I'll come to see you. But right now, we have a war to stop."

"Be careful, my son," said the Emperor. "R'gal is shrewd, and cunning."

"We'll be careful. And we'll get him."


T'kul rang the chime at R'gal's quarters. There was no answer. He rang again....a third time. No answer...something must be wrong.

"Security Override. T'kul M'urien, First Officer. Open the hatch to the Captain's quarters."

The hatch slid open, and T'kul entered. There were no lights.

"Lights," T'kul said. There was no response. He began to be uncomfortable, and he reached for his sidearm.

A sudden blow crashed against his head. He went down on one knee, and rolled. No use, another blow landed across his back. A club of some sort. T'kal forced himself to roll the other way, across the patch of light streaming in from the companionway through the open hatch. His attacker followed through the light, and was momentarily illuminated. It was R'gal.

"Captain!" T'kul choked out, "What are you doing...are you mad?"

R'gal grinned, a horrible demonic grin. He raised his club over his head and brought it down on T'kul's head again. It connected with a bone-jarring crack.

T'kul's senses whirled. He was nauseated, and the pain was unbearable. His sight swam, and through his distorted vision, he saw the club coming down again. The blackness reached up to engulf him, and he knew no more.


The thought kept nagging him, and Sanderson thought he would go mad. He replayed the rape over and over in his mind, to no use. There was nothing.

He thought about the men that were with him that day. Johnson, the big man...he had been a good friend of Sanderson's at one time. They had spent some shore leave at Johnson's home on Darwin IV. Wait..Johnson..Darwin IV...Lee...Lee was from Coby V...Mbute...Mbute was from Mitaka III. That was it. That was the key. He was destroying their home systems. And he, Sanderson, was the only one left, which meant only one thing.

He knew where R'gal was going.


N'tal and Ryan were on the bridge when Sanderson got there. They were quite surprised when he ordered a change in their course and speed. He was taking them back to Valia.

"Captain," said Ryan. "You want to let us in on what's going on?"

"I know where he's going, Mr. Ryan."

"How?" asked N'tal.

"You told me that this was a revenge motivated attack. R'gal's mother was raped by four Confederation Officers while he was forced to watch."

"Correct, Captain. That is our assumption."

"I'd say it was valid, Commander. Johnson was one of the attackers, and he was from Darwin IV. Lee was another, from Coby V. Mbute was from Mitaka III."

"And that leaves only one unaccounted for. Do you know who he was, too, Captain?" asked Ryan.

"I do, Mr. Ryan. He was from Valia."

"Who was he?" asked N'tal. "How do you know these things?"

"It was me, Commander. I was the one who held the boy and made him watch."

"Why, Captain?" asked Ryan, disgusted. "Why would you do such a thing?"

"It was war, Mr. Ryan. She killed one of our best friends as we cut through her hatch. We were tired, angry...and wrong."

"So,' N'tal said, "We now know what his final target is. That gives us an advantage."

"Correct, Commander. If we can get there first. Zeigler, give her all she's got all the way to Valia."

"Aye, Sir."

To be continued...

R.R. Bennett is a writer and life-long lover of Science Fiction and Fantasy. He was also the Owner/Publisher/Editor of The Dragon's Lair Webzine and was instrumental in the creation of Aphelion Webzine. His writing includes the popular Weary Wyrm series, several short stories, and the SF Novella "Starshock". His work has appeared in The Dragon's Lair, and also here in Aphelion Webzine. He resides in Bel Air, Maryland with his wife and children. He is employed full-time as a Sheet Metal Work Leader for the U.S. Government at Aberdeen Test Center, located at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland.

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