Louwe, Louwe

Louwe, Louwe

By Dan L. Hollifield

A Filksong based upon "Louie, Louie" by Richard Berry
And the Ringworld novels by Larry Niven

A fine little girl
Explored with me
A Ring in space
So far away
Our friend, a Kzin
Came with us
And a Puppeteer
Named Nessus...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

And everybody sing now,

Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

We explored the Ring
So far away
And we barely made
Our escape
We left Teela behind
At her request
And we wished to her
The very best...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

We had to go back
The Kzin and I
To save the Ringworld
From starting to fry
The Hindmost stepped in
To save the day
Since Teela couldn't save
All the hominids...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Then Protectors came
To the Ring World
To save or destroy
As they would
So Louis Wu
Was called upon
To place one on
The Ringworld's Throne...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Then there came
The Fringe War
Louis Wu and friends
Called to the fore
They figured out
The perfect way
For Ringworld to make
Its escape...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

And everybody sing now,

Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Oh Louwe, Louii-
Wu gotta go...

Filk Lyrics Copyright 2004 by Dan L. Hollifield

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